Android and iPhone, practical guide to privacy protection

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Tips and tricks to protect privacy on devices equipped with Google Android and Apple iOS operating system.How they work, how to set them, what they are used for

20 Ott 2021CMirella CastigliGiornalista

Privacy is an indispensable value and protect it always convenient, both to avoid theft of sensitive data and to protect our right to confidentiality.Here is how to protect it also on devices (smartphones and tablets) equipped with Google Android operating system, the platform on three quarters of the world devices, and on iPhone and iPad, respectively, smartphones and tablets equipped with the Apple iOS platform.

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Let's start from the settings on Android

Android devices record any of our digital communication activities, starting from the History in online research.Although it is almost impossible to protect privacy perfectly on mobile devices, we can start configuring a series of settings in order to minimize the amount of data that companies collect on us.

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Google capitalizes the research and collection of data on users.In fact, the turnover of the Mountain View search engine derives from targeted sponsorships, thanks to the punctilious profiling of each user, so that he can be "bombed" with advertising of his interest.

The more digital advertising is targeted, the more is considered "performing" by the companies that invest money in advertising on search engines.

This does not mean that the Google Android platform - which equips the best -selling mobile devices in the world - is not equipped for the protection of privacy, a crucial users' rights.Android presents, in fact, a wide range of tools to check your data.

Even if the trackers chase us in the network, making anonymous navigation extremely complex on any platform, and blocking them is practically impossible, the Android user is able to set the setting of the smartphone disabling the features considered more invasive and, instead, enabled iprotective factors.

Unfortunately, some configurations change depending on the version of Android that motorphone motorphone or even the same edition of Android, depend on the smartphone model we use.

Stronger password on iPhone and iPad

Apple has always bet on the protection of privacy to differentiate himself from Google.After all, Apple does not sell advertising, but hardware and services, therefore it does not live in user data of users.

Ma anche su iPhone e iPad, esistono buone regole per evitare inutili rischi. La password sia più lunga di quattro cifre. Basta accedere a Impostazioni/Touch ID & Password/Cambia Password/Opzioni Password, per rendere più forte la propria password, allungandone le cifre.

Dopo dieci tentativi falliti, è possibile cancellare i dati da: Settings/Touch ID & Passcode/Erase Data. Del resto, è possibile che solo l’autore di un furto effettui un numero eccessivo di tentativi per individuare la password.

Più sicurezza e privacy su Android 12 All’evento di Google Pixel 6, il colosso di Mountain View ha rilasciato la versione definitiva e stabile di Android 12 che, insieme a una nuova interfaccia grafica (realizzata con il design Material View), punta a garantire maggiormente la sicurezza dei dati e la privacy. Innanzitutto, il gestore delle password invia una segnalazione per indicare se le credenziali sono state compromesse e permette – agli utenti di dispositivi equipaggiati con l’upgrade di Android – di avere pieno controllo dei dati utilizzati dalle app. Google infatti ha introdotto Privacy Dashboard, una funzionalità che guarda all’App Tracking Transparency lanciata da Apple su iOS 14, in grado di permettere agli utewnti di monitorare i permessi di sistema richiesti dalle app installate sullo smartphone e dunque di fornire un “consenso giustificato” alle applicazioni web che tracciano i dati personali ai fini dell’advertising.

Two -factor authentication

As soon as we buy an Android smartphone, we enable two-factor authentication, which adds a second "protective layer" to our account, as it requires a US-ECT code, generated ad hoc and usable only once, in addition to ourspassword.Password that we always recommend in adequate length and-if possible-containing alpha-numeric characters).

Android e iPhone, guida pratica alla tutela della privacy

In this case, two factors authentication allows you to protect the Google account, even in the case of password theft or safety violation (Data Leak or Data Breach).

To set the authentication to two factors, just connect to the page dedicated to the protection of the account, access to the Google account is configured and the verification in two steps, in a third step it is proven that the authentication has been successful, following the indications on the screen and receiving a backup code in return.

After making these three steps (access, verification and acquisition of the backup code), the Google account is connected to our Android device and it is possible to access its access if someone tries to log in from elsewhere.It is also better to configure the authentication app and/or the safety key.

Better a strong password of biometric recognition

If we have a smartphone with biometric recognition (through fingerprint or facial recognition), let's not delude ourselves that you are safe.It is also better to configure (or alternatively) a strong password.On our smartphone we have all our digital life: work email accompanied by sensitive content, mobile banking apps, content belonging to our private sphere, personal messages, videos and photographs.A digital life, increasingly rich and more full, which requires greater protection to keep adequate confidentiality.

Some people prefer to use the fingerprint or facial recognition to unlock the smartphone.But the use of biometry or a password depends on the circumstances.Access to information, archived on the cloud or on third -party services, is always possible even for those who do not have access to your physical device.Therefore, to protect your data (sensitive and non -sensitive) it is always advisable to set the Screen Lock with a strong password.

Limit the perimeter of the apps

Every time we download a new app, the download application asks us for permission to access hardware (video/cameras, microphones etc.) and services (such as geo-location).Sometimes we allow these permits with excessive lightness or we type on notifications almost without realizing it.

Più privacy e sicurezza con Apple iOS 15 Apple aveva già rafforzato la privacy su iOS 14.5, concedendo agli utenti il controllo completo dei loro dati personali. L’app Tracking Transparency su iOS 14.5 infatti permette agli utenti di tenere d’occhio eventuali attività di tracciamento comportamentale a fini pubblicitari. iOS 15 introduce Mail Privacy Protection, un’opzione per nascondere l’indirizzo IP da cui è stato spedito un messaggio di posta elettronica, i dati di geolocalizzazione e le informazioni sulle e-mail aperte in precedenza. In questo modo, Apple cerca di ostacolare la creazione di un profilo degli utenti da parte di altri mittenti. Inoltre, il Rapporto sulla privacy è il tool di iOS 15 che permette agli utenti di essere sempre aggiornati sull’utilizzo dettagliato dei loro dati personali da parte delle app su iOS 15. Altro fiore all’occhiello di iOS 15 è Private Relay, la VPN integrata (anche in iCloud+) in grado di mascherare il traffico Internet sul browser Apple Safari e celare i dati di navigazione, inaccessibili perfino a Apple. Il servizio di cloud computing Apple iCloud+ aggiunge Hide My Email, per consentire agli utenti di generare un indirizzo e-mail temporaneo da impiegare per le iscrizioni ai servizi online, evitando così di rendere noto il proprio vero indirizzo di posta elettronica. Altre interessanti novità sul fronte privacy e sicurezza su iOS 15 sono: Intelligent Tracking Prevention; la possibilità di creare codici di autenticazione a due fattori per ogni account online salvato su iCloud Keychain senza passare da app come Google Authenticator o Authy; l’assistente vocale Siri diventa più discreto.

Privacy is first of all awareness.

Any download requires our maximum attention.Not all apps require geo-family to work, but they resell all the data collected for marketing companies.

Then it is sufficient to go to Settings/Privacy/Permissation Manager to manage the permits in the Android configuration phase, looking at every single section.On Android 11, it is also possible to set permissions once and for all;For other and older versions you can download an app to manage permits in a single time.Each quarter would converge the apps that we no longer use and clean on our Android.

Also on iPhone and iPad, it is possible to prevent the hungry apps of data from collecting information higher than the necessary functioning of the application.From the settings, you can select Off from the Privacy Settings relating to localization services: Settings/Privacy/Location Services (alternatively, select the System Services item).

Also on the Apple iOS operating system, it is easy to limit access to private data from apps for contacts, calendars, photos: settings/privacy/contacts etc.

Automatic updates

The safety of an operating system depends not only on the use that we make of functionality and applications of third parties, but first of all on its update status.We must always enable automatic updates, platform updates that solve vulnerability and protect privacy.These updates must not be downloaded from any network, but by wifi protected by passwords: the ideal is to update from home hotspot or office.For automatic default updates, you can access the Google Play Store click on Menu/Settings/Auto-Update Apps.

For those who prefer Double-Check, configure from: Settings/System/Advanced/System Update.

Find a lost device

In case of loss or theft, our first concern is to locate where it could be.The Find My Device functionality allows you to find the lost or theft device.In the latter case, the option allows you to remotely delete private data at risk.

To prevent sensitive data from ending up in the wrong hands, it is better to open settings/Security/Find My Device and make sure you have set up the functionality (ON).From the dedicated page finds my device, you can make the tracking, locate the device and delete the data by avoiding data leak and data break, serious data violations.

Apple iOS: do not share location

An iPhone and iPad can suffer a theft or loss: better to avoid that sensitive data are known to strangers.To disable the sharing of your location, you access through: Settings/Privacy/Location Services/Share My Location.

Notifications can be hidden by prying eyes

Sometimes a notification on the screen of a smartphone is enough, supported on a desk, to violate your or others' privacy.The confidentiality of notifications is not an optional.

A text message or a line of an e -mail message must not appear on the device screen, but can be displayed in a private situation.

Just access Settings/Privacy/Notifications and select Sensitive Content Only When Unlocked, so that the smartphone shows sensitive content only after being unlocked by the legitimate owner.

Also on Apple iPhone and iPad it is possible to hide notifications: from settings/notifications/[app name]/show on lock screen.

The Google account also needs a checkup

To protect our health, we undergo medical tests and controls every year.Good routine is periodically carrying out a ckeckup also to our Google account in such a way as to make the Android platform of our device safe.Constant monitoring to prevent Google from archives tons of information on our mobile activity.

Google also allows its users to check the data it collects and how long it archives the collected data.Our Google account will earn privacy, using the Google Privacy Ckeckup functionality or connecting to the individual settings: Web and App Activity (where the search engine collects data on maps, the search History, use of the Google Assistant Vowan assistant except).

Google uses these factors to improve location and research, when it is enabled (in fact, disabling it is possible to observe less precision in the notifications received), but if you keep more to your privacy that you can disable this activity.In addition, it is possible to ask Google for the cancellation of data every month or each quarter.Google Assistant also allows you to cancel the audio of vocal research.

Location History improves research results, but if you do not affect the connection between events and the Google calendar, disable this option will have no effect on the general performance of Google maps or associated applications.

The YouTube video sharing service also traces all our research and what we look at.But fortunately it is possible to suspend this activity.Instead, the YouTube data, including comments and responses to surveys can be comfortably managed by the activity management page (Other Google Activity).

Less privacy actions presents Google Photo, but it is possible to remove geo-location from the shared photos and, in the advertising field, it is allowed to disable advertising settings, unless you are passionate about personalized commercials.Finally, it is easy to delete data from the activity management page from Place Answers, News Preferences and Product Survey Responses.And from the tracking prices, interests and notifications and from the responses to YouTube polls.

No Advertising tracking on Apple iOS

Is the tracking of advertising networks too invasive?For iPhone and iPad users, simply access: settings/privacy/advertising to avoid tracking.

But it is possible to choose a further level of privacy protection re-imposing the ad identifier for your device: from settings/privacy/advertising/reset advertising ID.

Delete unused apps on Apple iOS

Cliccando a lungo sull’app icona dall’Home screen di iPhone e iPad, è possibile decidere quali app (che non usiamo più e magari ci espongono a rischi privacy) cancellare. In alternativa: da Impostazioni/Generali/Storage & iCloud/Gestione Storage.

More privacy without confirmation on iPhone

It is an excess of confidentiality, for some, or a good practice for those who keep privacy also in this area.

The iPhone and iPad user can decide not to let the sender know a message if it has already been read or still not.Off by settings/messages/Send reading confirmations can be ticked.

Use of third -party apps for messaging

Android uses SMS messages for most communications, but they are not encrypted.Often they do not even allow the cancellation of the old messages.To take advantage of strong encryption and other more robust privacy options, it is better to download Signal or WhatsApp.

Duckduckgo: the search engine that has privacy at heart

Finally, it is not mandatory to use the Google search engine on Android.It exists, and is an engine focused on the protection of privacy, the Duckduckgo alternative engine.Also on Android it is possible to protect confidentiality by downloading alternative applications, from messaging to Search.

On iPhone and iPad it is easy to choose Duckduckgo, the privacy-friendly engine.It is selected as a default search engine on the Apple Safari browser from: Setting/Safari/Search engine/Duckduckgo.The app can be downloaded from the special page or from Apple's App Store.

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