APN Kena Mobile: how to configure parameters for tethering and hotspot

Time: 02/Apr By: kenglenn 759 Views

After seeing how to configure the Kena Mobile APN for Internet and MMS parameters, this time it's up to tethering. If you are uncertain and do not know how to use your smartphone as a mobile hotspot, you will find all the answers in this guide.

APN Kena Mobile: how to configure tethering parameters and use your smartphone as a mobile hotspot

Unlike operators like ho. Mobile, which requires the creation of a second APN to be used specifically for smartphone navigation, in the case of the TIM virtual manager, it will be enough to rely on the already configured Kena Mobile APN. The parameters must be set as follows:

To be able to transform your device into a mobile hotspot, all you have to do is activate the appropriate option dedicated to tethering, present in the Settings. Choose a password (so that strangers cannot exploit the connection) and that's it.

APN Kena Mobile: how to configure parameters for tethering and hotspot

Although tethering works great with the configuration above, in some cases you will need to make a couple of tweaks. If the method seen so far does not allow you to use your smartphone as a hotspot, then set the APN parameters as follows:

Now everything should be fine. Happy surfing and don't forget to set a password to secure your connection!

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