Apple, even more privacy and security with iOS 15 and iPados 15: here are the news

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During the WWDC 2021, the annual Apple press conference dedicated to developers, the details of iOS 15 and iPados 15 were revealed, in addition to those of Watchos 8 and Macos Monterey.Interesting news that allow you to give users total control over their personal data: here they are in detail

08 Giu 2021Paolo TarsitanoEditor

The contours of the Apple strategy are increasingly defined, already outlined with the privacy turning point of iOS 14.5, who aims to give users total control of their personal data.

In fact, the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC 2021) is underway, the annual conference dedicated to developers who mainly protagonists the new iOS 15 and iPados 15 operating systems, even if there is no shortage of news for Watchos 8 and Macos Monterey: manyFunctions thought of improving user experience, but once again everyone's eyes are focused on the privacy and security chapter.

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Apple: even more privacy and security with iOS 15

The presentation of the new iOS 15 and iPados 15 is therefore for Apple another excellent opportunity to strengthen the company's image more and more attentive to user privacy.

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It will certainly serve to move the other big players that already chase the house of Cupertino in the current revolution of the digital market: we think, for example, of the fresh Google of the recent release of Android 12 which has been in fact obliged to introduce nutrition labels (Privacy labels) on his Play Store as Apple had already done.

Or to the retirement of third -party cookies by 2022 or the introduction of Floc (Federated Learning of Cohorts) technology always by Google.

Now, after the release of the Transparency App Tracking in iOS 14.5 which allows you to make users more visible any behavioral tracking activities for marketing purposes, Apple takes a further step forward, still raising the rod of privacy in its operating systems.

"The digital world moves on that subtle line of border that is between the indisputable need for a greater awareness of the user regarding what others do with his personal data and, on the other hand, an emotional marketingthat rides the incomprehensible phobia for profiling ", the lawyer Antonino Polimeni points out.

Apple, ancora più privacy e sicurezza con iOS 15 e iPadOS 15: ecco le novità

Which continues: “Apple (but also Google) is good to invest in the control of one's privacy, as long as digital culture is also made and why, sometimes, profiling can be an advantage.Let us remember that the targeting of the public in the countryside benefits first of all to small businesses, which with little expense manage to obtain excellent results.This technique still allows the survival of many commercial activities that, with pandemic, would have closed ".

iOS 15: greater control over e-mails

The first news that improves control of our personal data is the Privacy Protection email, a functionality that allows you to hide the IP address from which an e-mail message was sent, the information on geolocation and those relating to open e-mailsPreviously: this way, to prevent the senders that somehow manage to create a user profile.

iOS 15 will tell us how apps use our data

With the new iOS 15 Apple operating system it will also introduce the privacy report, a useful tool that will allow users to have a detailed and always updated overview of how the apps installed on the devices use their personal data.

In particular, by accessing the report, it will be possible to know which applications to access the geographical position, photos and camera, microphone and the list of active contacts in the last seven days was granted.

Anonymous navigation thanks to the integrated VPN

Another interesting novelty of iOS 15 is the integrated VPN, called Private relay, which will allow you to mask the internet traffic on the Safari browser and hide the navigation data, which will also be inaccessible to Apple herself.

Unlike the traditional VPNs that know the real IP addresses of the users and websites they visit, ICloud Private Relay uses "dual-hop" architecture that effectively protects the IP address, position and navigation activities typically used forprofile users.

The Private Relay function ensures that the traffic out of the device is encrypted before submitting the requests through two Relays: in practice, a simplified version of the Tor network is replicated which typically uses at least three different relays to ensure anonymity during internet browsing.

The functionality will be integrated into iCloud+, the richest version of iCloud reserved for subscribers without any additional cost, but will not be available in China, Belarus, Colombia, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkmenistan, Uganda and the Philippines due to theregulations in force in these countries.

There will also be temporary e-mails

Icloud+ users will also have the Hide My Email functionality that allows you to create a temporary e-mail address to be used to register for online services, thus avoiding providing your real email address.

It is good to remember, in this regard, that Apple already provides a similar functionality thanks to its Sign authentication service in with Apple.

All other privacy and security functions

The Privacy and Security Chapter of iOS 15 is completed by other interesting news.First of all, the Intelligent Tracking Prevention which allows intelligent online tracking prevention thanks to the possibility of "containing" the use of techniques such as fingerprinting and cross-site tracking on Safari in order to limit the web trackers skills to use theUser's IP address as a single identifier to connect his online activity and reconstruct a profile.

The new versions of iOS and macOS, moreover, will be equipped with new options that allow users to generate two -factor authentication codes for each of the online accounts saved on iCloud Keychain without the need to download additional apps such as Google Authenticator or Authy.

Siri: the voice assistant will be more "discreet"

Finally, the other interesting novelty will concern the Siri voice assistant.In particular, not only the assistant is now able to manage the requests of users even offline, but as a default all audio recordings will be tried directly on the iPhone.

An important update of the vowel assistant aimed at preventing audio files "escape" outside the internal memory of the iPhone and therefore unwanted audio recordings are made.

When new operating systems are available

As already happened in the WWDCs of the past years, Apple has announced that iOS 15, iPados 15, Watchos 8, Macos Monterey will be available immediately for developers.

Next July, however, the updates will be released in the public "beta" version and then be made available for everyone by the autumn.

At the moment, disregarding the expectations of many, the Cupertino house has not revealed details on any hardware updates of its devices.

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