DDAY.IT DDAY.it The number of malware on Mac is unacceptable.Apple's curious defensive line to the closed model of iOS

Time: 10/Nov By: kenglenn 672 Views


Nell’ambito della causa tra Apple ed Epic, Craig Federighi, ascoltato come testimone in difesa dell’approccio chiuso dell’App Store di iOS, ha ammesso la presenza di malware nel sistema operativo macOS, e l’ha reputata “inaccettabile”.

Federighi, a well -known face of Apple also to the general public, is the senior vice president of the Apple software department that supervises the development of iOS and macOS operating systems.The cause in which he testified is what has been seeing Apple and Epic for months to fight - now also in court - for the will of the latter not to submit to the commissions of the App Store and to want third -party apps on iOS apps,including your own.

La battaglia in tribunale tra Epic e Apple è iniziata. Potrebbe cambiare per sempre gli store digitali

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DDAY.it DDAY.it Il numero di malware su Mac è inaccettabile. La curiosa linea difensiva di Apple al modello chiuso di iOS

And it is precisely with a view to the different security of iOS compared to macOS that you have to read Federighi's declaration. Ha quindi messo in luce la vulnerabilità del sistema macOS ai malware per rafforzare e difendere il concetto dell’approccio più chiuso verso l’esterno di iOS.

iOS può essere usato anche dai bambini e deve essere più sicuro

You understand it very well from the same words as Federighi.The judge who presides over the case asked for him why iOS cannot adopt the same model as the macOS app store.

Federighi replied: “Today we have a level of malware on the Mac that we do not find acceptable.If you take the security techniques of the Mac and apply them to the iOS ecosystem, with all those devices, all that value, it would be invested (from malware, ed) to a dramatically worse level of what is already happening on the Mac."

Federighi then used a metaphor to explain the difference between Mac and iPhone.He said: “The Mac is a car.You can take it off the road if you want, and you can drive where you want.There is a certain level of responsibility ".But, he added, "it's what you wanted to buy, you wanted a car".

La strategia di usare la possibilità di macOS di essere infettato da malware per rafforzare la posizione di iOS rischia però di danneggiare quella dei Mac, tanto che il giudice ha poi chiesto a Federighi se macOS è sicuro.And Federighi probably gave the only possible answer.He said it is "if used correctly".

Federighi then added: “With iOS, we were able to create something in which children - heck, even infants - are able to use an iOS device and be sure in doing it.It is really a different product."

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