Dos and don'ts to protect your Latest News online accounts

Time: 27/Mar By: kenglenn 880 Views

More and more people are connected to the Internet and it is no longer possible to do without it: it seems that everything you look for is first necessary to find it online perhaps through the widespread and well-known search engine Google and then actually take the concrete action.

During the days leading up to Christmas, online shopping is also experiencing an upward surge in purchases and connections.

There are many users looking on the Internet for the latest gifts to give, on the other hand you can find everything online, the choice is wide and varied and embraces many people's needs.

E-commerce companies don't stand by, they implement their network and website, bank account or Paypal account by rearranging all complex passwords and keeping them safe in one place through the use of a password manager.

Since the internet has existed, online services have grown dramatically, not only is it possible to shop for any product but also to purchase legal and real estate consulting services or to do online trading, take out an online mortgage, open an online account: we want it is possible to do everything online.

However, to take advantage of all these services we are required to open an online account and register our data, such as name surname, residential or domicile address, iban, password for account, password for the other account and the management of everything begins to be tiring and boring.

The custom is to have a notebook or notebook on which to write down all the passwords created for the related accounts generated online but, we also know that the data and passwords must be updated every "tot" days, so you are forced to delete the old to rewrite the new one: obviously the diary containing the credentials will always be scribbled and in disorder, with the consequence of creating confusion in the management of passwords and perhaps entering one for another when accessing emails.

Le cose da fare e da non fare per proteggere i tuoi account online Ultime Notizie

Anyone with multiple online accounts should use password managers as they are a much safer and more convenient way to store them than the effort required to memorize them or write them down in a notebook or post-its.

In practice and very simply to use a password manager, it will be enough to remember only the master (main) password that is the keyword that unlocks the encrypted vault and no other memory effort will be required to use all our network accounts.

Things to do to protect your online accounts

To protect our accounts from digital identity theft, attacks and computer viruses that could also block access, it is always advisable to add or update the account recovery options such as recovery phone number and alternate email address: they are often effective and very useful measures when the state of need arises.

This data basically comes to our aid and can be used to recover your account if you are no longer able to log in.

Two-Step Verification is also a good security practice and helps prevent a hacker from logging into your account, even if he has stolen the password.

Surely on our devices there are numerous downloads of applications such as the one on fitness and sports, WhatsApp and TikTok, online game apps and many others: it is always advisable to update all the applications of our mobile phones.

Despite the suggestions of cybersecurity experts, there are still many users who ignore the security updates for their smartphones: having an up-to-date smartphone reduces the risk of being hit by hackers, in fact the updates are used to correct those flaws in the devices from new threats.

Among other methods, to be safe and protect the information of our online accounts is to change the password every 90 days even if in reality it can be the most tedious way, but also the most effective way to keep safe the our private information.

On the other hand, with a password generator all problems are solved and there will not even be the need to change passwords.

In any case, when creating passwords and users for Internet accounts, you must always be as creative as possible, like adding sequences and symbols of random numbers: never be discounted.

Don'ts to protect your online accounts

Never reply to suspicious e-mails with texts that have grammatical errors and senses of logic that do not correspond to real perceptions of everyday life.

Do not make online payments on scam websites: in recent times there is again a resurgence in the creation of bogus e-commerce that copy the tax data of other companies (legally in place) to sell products at low prices.

An iPhone that costs € 800 on the market can hardly be sold for € 500: it is definitely a scam.

Beware of fake social media profiles as they have now become a popular channel for hackers to target unsuspecting web users and steal their computer pockets.

Just as in real life every day, to understand the earthly life it is necessary to be prudent, vigilant and reasonable even in the virtual one you have to be.