Facebook and Instagram: from today you can decide to hide the likes-HDblog.it

Time: 23/May By: kenglenn 783 Views

Facebook and Instagram have decided to make available to everyone the option to hide the "likes" expressed in relation to posts published in their social networks.

The decision is the final result of a test activity that has been going on for several weeks and introduces new options that should put everyone in agreement, both those who appreciate the possibility of concealing likes, and those who continue to prefer the previous system that made them always visible. The colossus of social networks did not eliminate them at the origin, entrusting each user with the decision as to whether or not to view them.

In more detail, from today users will be able to:

Facebook e Instagram: da oggi si può decidere di nascondere i Mi piace - HDblog.it

You can select the option to hide likes and views of other people's posts in the new Post section in the settings. The function is activated by selecting the tick at the item "hide the number of" like and views "".

To hide likes and views of your posts instead you have to intervene when creating the post, selecting the option "hide the number of" like and views on this post "present in the advanced settings.

It is worth pointing out that the option is already available in Italy, but from our verifications it is active only on the mobile apps of some of our accounts, so you will have to count some waiting before the distribution procedure ends.

The one chosen by Facebook is probably the best solution because on the role of likes and post visualizations there are still differences of views: for one part of the users these tools represent useful indicators of the most popular content and therefore worthy of attention; on the other, to receive few likes and record a low number of views can generate frustration in the author of the posts or envy in those who observe posts with many likes. Limiting yourself to the number of likes / visualizations to determine whether or not a content is worthy of being observed is not good for the critical spirit of the users-even content with a small number of likes / visualizations can be noteworthy.

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