Finally, a Mac is no longer necessary to create apps for iPhone and iPad -

Time: 30/Sep By: kenglenn 663 Views

On December 15, Apple released version 4.0 of Swift Playgrounds, and thanks to it for the first time it is possible to develop and fill in real apps for iPhone and iPad without the need for a Mac.To clarify, Swift Playgrounds was born (just over five years ago) on iPad, but before this version it was more than anything else an educational tool, aimed at very young and beginners, to take the first steps in the programming in Swift, languageCreated by Apple herself.With version 4 we can say that as an educational tool the app has been "promoted" to real development environment.

To fill in the iPhone and iPad apps, iPados 15 is required.2 or more recent.Once the process is completed, it is possible to proceed immediately with the upload on the App Store;From there just fill in all the necessary information, waiting for the approval of the important software novelty had been announced this spring, during the WWDC 2021.

Finalmente non è più necessario un Mac per creare app per iPhone e iPad -

It is important to specify that most apps for iOS (and, in fact, practically all Apple operating systems) were born on Xcode, the "real" and main development environment of the apple born just over 18 years ago.For some time now, an ipad version of Xcode has been hoped for, but for now you have to settle for Swift Playground.That, to be honest, it seems a more than acceptable compromise: the first feedbacks of users and professional reviewers are mostly enthusiastic, and of course since a Mac is not necessary, the initial expenditure can be significantly lower.