Digital green certificate: how to access it, where to find it

Time: 22/Oct By: kenglenn 689 Views

Internet Editorial staff on Monday 21 June 2021 can be viewed, downloading and printing the certificate on 4 digital platforms: apps, immune apps, from the regional electronic health file and from the DGC dedicated comments and share

The immune app is updated to welcome the green pass. L'applicazione è solo uno dei tanti modi digitali tramite cui accedere al proprio certificato verde, esistono anche altri 3 modi per entrare in possesso del proprio green pass: l'app IO, il fascicolo sanitario elettronico e il sito web dedicato.It should be remembered that the green certificate ("Green Pass") is obtained if you meet at least one of the three conditions: at least one dose of vaccine has been received for at least 15 days.Covid has been contracted and healed.Negativity to the molecular or antigenic test has been recorded.Each of these conditions allows you to activate a green certificate.We first see access to your green certificate with the immune app which now introduces a new section within the menu called "EU Digital Covid certified", within which you can load your own green certificate.Per ottenere il Green Pass personale è necessario però avere il codice autorizzativo che si riceve via e-mail o sms da Ministero della Salute e che attesta la vaccinazione, il risultato di un tampone o l'avvenuta guarigione dal Covid-19.At the moment not everyone received the authorization code that is received by e-mail or sms from the Ministry of Health that certifies the vaccination and despite having received it in several cases it is not yet possible to complete the operation: depending on the service, in fact, they comeShow messages such as "Certification is not available" or "No certified EU Digital Covid found".Probably because the Green Pass car has just been started and within the next few days it should travel at full speed as the system will be operational from July 1st.It is the decisive date of the European Union to start the project that will allow EU citizens to move within the Union with more ease and safety.On the official Green Pass website it is clarified that it will be necessary to wait until June 28 so that all certifications are available for those entitled.Oltre all'app Immuni, già impiegata per il contact tracing, ci sono altri 3 modi per accedere al proprio green pass, vediamo quali sono.You can enter the authorization code that is received by e-mail or SMS from the Ministry of Health that certifies the vaccination 1 on the DGC in the application I also useful for payments to the public administration (and for state cashback).3 soon it will be possible to do the same also through the site of the regional electronic health file.In short, summarizing the procedures: on is accessed via SPID, health card or electronic identity card; I just have to wait for the appearance relating to the notification of the availability of the Green Pass.As for the app, I without making requests, nor enter codes or other data: it is sufficient that it has been made at least once access with Spid or CIE.Then enter the app (by unlocking code or biometric recognition), then open the message with its own green certification: the app will show the QR code and the certificate data, which can therefore be exhibited directly by I.Once you have access to the certificate, the latter can be saved on the smartphone gallery in order to have access to you later, even in the absence of connection.In the future, explains the official website, "it will also be possible to save the certificate in Apple Wallet or other personal wallets".

Here the FAQs on the Covid-19 green certification

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Certificato verde in digitale: come accedervi, dove trovarlo