How to betray via WhatsApp without being discovered

Time: 23/Aug By: kenglenn 677 Views

"Don't talk if she's there, let me do the talking, say yes or no": this is how the text of a well-known Italian song interpreted by Claudia Mori reads. The story is always the same: a woman calls her lover on the phone, who however, unable to speak because he has his wife next to him, has to pretend that there is a doctor on the other end of the receiver and is forced to speak in monosyllables to don't get caught. It was 1974. Today, almost half a century later, infidelity has remained the same, while the means of communicating fiery messages have changed: a quick WhatsApp or a voice note is increasingly preferred to the old phone call. The danger of being exposed, however, always exists. Surely, you will have wondered, even if only out of curiosity, if it is possible to cheat via WhatsApp without being discovered. The answer depends on the precautions that the cheater intends to adopt.

First of all, it must be said that WhatsApp, in principle, is one of the safest communication tools: the encryption it is equipped with prevents anyone from intercepting the conversation that takes place between two people. Not even WhatsApp knows what the content of its customers' chats is. Yet, this does not mean that our conversations are safe from prying eyes: the partner could, in fact, directly access the device (smartphone, computer or tablet) from which we chat and discover its content. Among other things, in such a case, the betrayed spouse could also transcribe the conversations, or make copies or photographs of them, and take them to court to enforce them in a possible process for separation or divorce. So: how to cheat on WhatsApp without getting caught? Let's see together some useful tips.


WhatsApp messages: are they safe?

Let's start with a basic question: are messages (and, in general, all conversations on WhatsApp) safe? As anticipated in the introduction, the answer is positive. This is because WhatsApp (like any instant messaging system by now) protects all conversations, whether they take place via messages or via calls or video calls, through end-to-end encryption. What is it about?

End-to-end encryption prevents interception of chats between WhatsApp users: this means that no one (not even WhatsApp itself) can "get in the way" by intercepting the content of the communication or recording it. In short: only recipient and sender can have knowledge of the chat.

This obviously does not mean that you can take possession of your smartphone and reveal its arcane secrets: end-to-end encryption was designed to protect users from hacker attacks or, more generally, from wiretapping, but not from jealous wives.

How to detect treachery on WhatsApp?

Sun Tzu, the Chinese military strategist known for his Art of War, said: "If you know the enemy and yourself, your victory is sure". To effectively understand how to cheat via WhatsApp without being discovered, therefore, it is good to first know how one could be unmasked. In other words, like in a game of chess, let's first analyze the weaknesses of WhatsApp and then come to understand how to chat without getting caught.

Well, know that, although it is practically impossible to wiretap WhatsApp, discovering a betrayal is not that difficult. First of all, the most obvious thing your partner could do is to directly view the chats on your mobile phone.

How to cheat via WhatsApp without getting caught

You'll tell me: nothing simpler to avoid being discovered; just archive or delete the chat. Wrong. Keep in mind that archived chats are still visible on your mobile phone; those deleted, then, although apparently no longer visible, can be extracted from the mobile phone using special software or expert analysis. In other words, your messages will still remain traces on the device, even if you have permanently deleted the chat.

Secondly, a particularly jealous partner could entrust a detective agency to monitor your smartphone. Since, as mentioned, a full-scale telephone interception would not bear fruit, it is possible to insert a bug in the mobile phone so that it records, just like a microphone, what you say.

The same result can be obtained with a careful hacking operation: by infecting your smartphone with a special software (a virus, in short), it is possible to record your voice conversations and obtain the same result as an environmental interception.

Another method to access your private chats even if you don't have a mobile phone available is to use WhatsApp Web: this is the software that allows you to use WhatsApp directly from your computer. If you have forgotten to unhook your smartphone from the computer, the chats will also be viewable from there: just a moment and the omelette is done.

Cheating on WhatsApp: how not to get caught?

Now that we know the biggest flaws in WhatsApp or, in any case, the most common ways to find hot and forbidden Italian chats, let's see how not to fall into mistake (it would be better to explain how not to fall into temptation, but that's another story…) and, therefore, how to cheat via WhatsApp without being discovered.

Archiving WhatsApp chats to hide the betrayal

First of all, if you chat with your lover, it is practically useless for you to archive the chat: archiving, in fact, does not delete the conversation, but he simply inserts it in a section dedicated to it. If it is a mobile phone with an Android operating system, archiving "pushes down", to the bottom of all your contacts, the chat object of your attention: to see the chats archived using the WhatsApp application on Android, then , all you have to do is scroll down the chat list until you reach the end.

In the WhatsApp application on iOS devices (Iphone, in practice), on the other hand, the list of archived chats will be more easily visible: you just need to scroll the list of conversations on the WhatsApp Chat screen from the bottom up. The item Archived Chats and the number corresponding to the archived conversations will then appear.

So, if you don't want to be discovered, I advise you not to use the archiving system, since the chat is not deleted and, therefore, is always recoverable. Indeed, archiving a chat, even if carried out with a person with a non-compromising name, can still make your partner suspicious: therefore, even if you decide to call your lover with the fictitious name of Mario so as not to arouse suspicion and then archive the chat, you will still arouse suspicions about why you archived that conversation.

Delete WhatsApp chats to prevent the betrayal from being discovered

If you don't want to be discovered by your partner, the safest method is to delete the most compromising conversations: archiving, in fact, is useless . The only way is to permanently delete the messages and calls made.

As mentioned a few paragraphs ago, not even this operation is totally safe: and in fact, if you subjected your smartphone to an expert opinion, you could extract the "printouts" of your conversations, which remain saved on the device despite the deletion. Obviously, this is a complex operation, which the betrayed partner could hardly do alone, without the help of expert people.

In court, such an operation is entrusted to a specific expert report to be carried out on the smartphone, only at the request of one party and on the order of the judge. If you want to know more about this specific topic, I invite you to read my article on How to request WhatsApp message printouts.

How to make WhatsApp chats secret?

Unlike other instant messaging systems (such as Telegram), WhatsApp does not allow you to use timed chats, i.e. those equipped with a timer which, once set, automatically deletes the conversation.

What you can do to prevent your cheating on WhatsApp from being discovered is to download an app that allows you to set a password. Basically, it's like putting a padlock: you can set a code without which WhatsApp cannot be accessed. Obviously, this operation will feed legitimate suspicions.

Cheating: are WhatsApp calls and video calls safe?

As mentioned several times, every type of conversation made with WhatsApp is protected by an encryption that does not allow anyone to proceed with interception. This does not mean that it is not possible (with illegal procedures) to capture the content of calls and video calls: and in fact, through sophisticated software, it is possible to take control of the hardware elements of the device (for example, the microphone) and activate it at will.

Doing this, your mobile phone will be used to carry out real environmental interceptions, capable of recording everything you say not only while talking on the phone, but also while talking to other people and your phone is nearby.

The advice, therefore, is to use calls or video calls only occasionally, since in any case they are safer than messages: and in fact, the call is recorded by WhatsApp, but obviously your partner, except in the case that I just narrated above, will not be able to have knowledge of the content.

If you want to be even more relaxed, always cancel the WhatsApp call immediately after making it: unlike messages, there is no archiving setting and, therefore, you can only cancel it.

WhatsApp data traffic: how not to reveal the betrayal

You should know that WhatsApp records all the operations you perform with the app: there is, in fact, a section dedicated to data traffic, in which it is possible carry out a real survey of all your activities. To access this section, just click on settings at the top right, then on Data and archive usage; here, by clicking on Archive usage, you will find the contacts with whom you have chatted the most, calculated on the basis of data exchange. At the top of the list you will find the people with whom you have exchanged the most messages, files and content of all kinds.

If you want to stay calm, I recommend that you periodically check this archive and eliminate contacts that may arouse suspicion in your partner.

WhatsApp photos: how not to get discovered?

Remember that the photos and videos you exchange via WhatsApp, even if deleted from the chat, could remain saved in the archive of your smartphone: therefore, check carefully in the folders of your cell phone, because some compromising photos may still be there, ready to compromise you.

WhatsApp Web: how to hide cheating?

If you often use your computer for work, then you will surely use WhatsApp Web, the software that allows you to connect your mobile phone WhatsApp to your PC, in such a way that, to chat, you just need to pause the work window and comfortably use the large keyboard of the computer.

Well, if you forget to disconnect your WhatsApp from your computer, your partner could easily access it while you are away, seeing your private chats live. To avoid this, when you have finished with the PC, remember to click, from the Whatsapp Web menu, the item Disconnect all computers: in doing so all the devices connected to the account will be disconnected and you will have to scan the QR Code again to connect again the mobile phone to the computer.


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