How to hide photos and videos about the iPhone

Time: 22/May By: kenglenn 883 Views

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This is how you can put private photos and videos on your iPhone.

- Eleonora Redazione

Do you know when someone takes your phone to see a photo of the gallery or you show it and pray in all the languages of the world that the person in question doesn't scroll through your shots? Well, if reading this sentence got a thrill down your back, it's because you're most likely to have pictures and videos that you'D like to keep private. On the iPhone there is a way to hide them from prying eyes.

It doesn't have to be very private material to get what you have on your phone to make you hope that no one ever starts to look at your photo film: just a simple shot where you didn't look good or a person you Don't want to show to others (e.g. A person you secretly hang out with, or a screenshot of a gift you want to make, some outfit rehearsals, you know... = = references = = Whatever's on your phone, I know your damn business. Here is how to hide some photos so that they are not shown on the main album of the "iPhone" thanks to the hidden album.

  1. How to hide photos and videos on iPhone from prying eyes
    1. How to hide photos on iPhone:
    2. How to show the hidden photos again:
    3. Find the hidden album
    4. How to hide hidden album from photos

How to hide photos and videos on iPhone from prying eyes

Without having to download third party apps, the iPhone has provided a hidden album that is not displayed in the Library, in other albums or in the Photo widget on the Home screen. You can decide whether to keep the hidden album visible in the photos section or hide it completely so that it is not easily accessible (the person who wants to spy on it will have to make a series of steps).

How to hide photos on iPhone:

  1. Apri Foto.
  2. Seleziona la foto o il video che vuoi nascondere.
  3. Tocca il pulsante Condividi , poi tocca Nascondi.
  4. Conferma di voler nascondere la foto o il video.

How to show the hidden photos again:

  1. Apri Foto e tocca il pannello Album.
  2. Scorri verso il basso e tocca Nascosti sotto Utility.
  3. Tocca la foto o il video che vuoi mostrare di nuovo.
  4. Tocca il pulsante Condividi , quindi tocca Mostra.

Find the hidden album

  1. Apri Foto e tocca il pannello Album.
  2. Scorri verso il basso e cerca l’album Nascosti sotto Utility.

How to hide hidden album from photos

  1. Vai su Impostazioni
  2. tocca Foto.
  3. Scorri verso il basso e disattiva l’album Nascosti.
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Come nascondere foto e video sull’iPhone