How to make FaceTime video calls with Android

Time: 09/May By: kenglenn 1049 Views

You can participate in FaceTime video calls without iPhone: even Android and Windows now have access to the service. Just create a link. Here's how to do it.

Would you like to use FaceTime to make video calls from an Android smartphone or Windows PC but you don't know how to do it? Or would you like to invite a friend or colleague without an iPhone to join a FaceTime, but have to fall back on alternative services like Meet, Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp?

Finally there is a way to do FaceTime with Android. An iPhone is still needed, but thanks to a new feature in iOS 15, non-Apple users are no longer excluded from the service. Here's how it works.

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How to start FaceTime with Android users

Come fare videochiamate FaceTime con Android

The first thing to do is download and install iOS 15, the version of the iPhone software that allows you to create links on FaceTime to invite friends who don't have iPhones to a video call. To do this, you need an iPhone from 6s onwards: iOS 15 is not compatible with iPhone 6 or earlier models.

Once you get the update, to invite an Android or Windows contact to FaceTime you need to:

Create FaceTime links on iOS 15

On the main screen you will see "FaceTime link scheduled". Wait for the person to receive the link and agree to join the call.

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How to join FaceTime video calls on Android

Once the invitation to participate in a FaceTime has been sent, the Android user receives the link “Join my FaceTime call” with the address on which to click to be redirected to the videocall on the browser.

FaceTime on Android

At this point to access a FaceTime from Android you have to do this:

The other FaceTime news

In addition to allowing everyone to join FaceTime calls without an iPhone, updates to FaceTime with iOS 15 also include the new Grid view in group calls which shows up to 6 people simultaneously in tiles of the same size, highlighting the person speaking; Spatial Audio and Voice Isolation for better audio and video performance and Portrait mode that blurs the background by focusing on the speaking subject.

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Original article published on here: How to make FaceTime video calls with Android


# iPhone # Android # App #iOS 15