How to recover lost or deleted photographs

Time: 29/Jul By: kenglenn 839 Views

A tutti, almeno una volta, sarà capitato di perdere i propri dati. Ecco come recuperare fotografie cancellate o danneggiate. SoftwareA tutti, almeno una volta, sarà capitato di perdere i propri dati. Ecco come recuperare fotografie cancellate o danneggiate.

To all, at least once, it will have happened to lose their data, whether it is due to an incorrect elimination, following malware or due to damaged storage supports.If you also find yourself in this situation do not despair: the solution to recover photographs or your documents exists and is called Stellar Data Recovery.It is a simple but extremely effective program that can recover any lost or deleted data from Windows.There is a free version of the program, but unfortunately very limited in functionality.Fortunately, the full paid version is currently on offer at 83% discount.The price is thus collapses from $ 229.94 to 39.95.In addition, you will receive five additional software for free: Backup Pro, Win Optimizer, Photo Editor, Password Manager and Photo Tagger.

Stellar Data Recovery: how it works

Stellar allows you to recover in three simple steps photos, videos, documents, e-mails, tablets, audio and many other file formats.Whether it is from PC or from any formatted or corrupt drive, such as USB sticks or rigid disks.This is possible by exploiting the in -depth scan function, which scrupulously controls each Drive sector to recover each recoverable bit.Choose between five international languages: English, German, French, Italian and Spanish.These functions are available in the free version, while in the paid one the options increase.For example, Stellar can recover the data saved on a Windows Crashato or not initiable PC, in eliminated partitions and also by damaged raid sets.Finally, Stellar offers a dual monitor support, allowing you to do more things at the same time on multiple monitors without having to minimize the screens.

Come recuperare fotografie perse o eliminate

Did you delete a photo by mistake?Or did the phone card of the phone be damaged?Trust a Stellar Data Recovery to recover the lost or deleted data by mistake.The offer is valid for a short time: buy the software for only $ 39.95 instead of $ 22.94 and you will receive five additional software for free.These are Ashampoo Backup Pro 15, Ashampoo Winoptimizer 19, Inpixio Photo Editor 9, Steganos Password Manager and Black Ai Photo Tagger.

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