How to resell concert tickets legally and safely on Ticketone

Time: 15/Oct By: kenglenn 682 Views

Buy or sell tickets for concerts in a legal and safe way on Ticketone - If you are wondering where to buy or resell the live tickets of the moment, know that on the TicketOne is the fansal section.

Hai acquistato i biglietti, ma non puoi più partecipare? Se li hai presi su Ticketone è lo stesso sito a darti la possibilità di rimetterli in vendita – allo stesso prezzo – semplicemente inserendo il codice numerico presente sui biglietti.

Fansale is a secondary ticket officer market, where their price is always the same as the original one.This platform was born with the intention of contrasting secondary ticketing, the so -called online bathing.

Below you will find the details for:

For a complete overview of the services offered by the platform we invite you to read the frequent questions section

  1. How to sell tickets online on NSAID
    1. Can I also sell nominal tickets?
    2. Which tickets can I resell on fans?
    3. How do I know if a ticket was emitted by Ticketone?
    4. Can I resell any ticket?
  2. How to buy tickets on NSAID

How to sell tickets online on NSAID

  1. Visita il sito
  2. Clicca su VENDI (è necessario essere registrarti sul sito)
  3. Inserisci il numero univoco di 22 cifre (codice a barre) stampato sul biglietto che vuoi rivendere
  4. Il sistema effettua vari controlli* con il TicketOne Ticketcheck prima di renderlo disponibile alla vendita

* Example if the ticket is still valid, if it has already been offered on a fans or if the name on the ticket corresponds to the person who is claiming him.

Come rivendere i biglietti dei concerti in modo legale e sicuro su Ticketone

When your ticket is purchased, you can monitor the entire shipping process.

Can I also sell nominal tickets?

Yes, on fans you can also resell tickets with the name.On the platform it is also possible to resell the tickets subject to the new legislation, which entered into force on 1 July 2019, which requires the obligation to issue the name ticket for events with over 5000 spectators and the subsequent control of the ticket holder at the entranceof the event.

Through the Nasseal Platform, the ticket holder can resell the entrance title and ensure, at the time of the resale, that the new ticket issued reports the buyer's name.

Which tickets can I resell on fans?

You can only resell the tickets issued by Ticketone (be purchased online, via call center or in a store).

How do I know if a ticket was emitted by Ticketone?

It is possible to recognize the tickets issued by Ticketone thanks to the logo printed on the front and on the back of the ticket, as well as by the ologram on the ticket front.

Can I resell any ticket?

No, you cannot resell the tickets purchased for sporting and cinematographic events.

How to buy tickets on NSAID

To buy tickets on NSAIDs and view the offers, just visit the Fansal and look for the artist/group of your interest in the field search.