How do you subscribe to Limes and Limesonline

Time: 28/Oct By: kenglenn 764 Views

To subscribe to Limesonline click here

ABBONARSI A LIMESONLINE (solo digITale o carta&digITale)

A monthly or annual digITal subscription can be subscribed to Limesonline which gives access to the complete archive of the magazine since 1993, the month and cards and ITems produced exclusively for the web.

The subscription to Limesonline can be used by any computer equipped wITh the main browsers and internet connection and from smartphones and tablets, including iPhone and iPad.

The leaflet and download in PDF of the last 50 issues of the magazine are accessible from tablets and PCs, not from smartphones.

All LIMES numbers can be read in full, by clicking on the individual articles wITh their respective summary.All articles on Limesonline can be saved in PDF, clicking on the printer icon (in the social menu just above the tITle of the article) and subsequently selecting the "Save in PDF" option.

The subscription to Limesonline Costa 9.99 euros per month and 99.99 euros per year.

È disponibile anche un abbonamento annuale congiunto carta&web che dà dirITto a ricevere 12 numeri della rivista e ad accedere a Limesonline per un anno.It costs 149.99 euros.

The following payment methods are allowed: credIT card and paypal.

To subscribe to Limesonline click here

For information and problems regarding the subscription to Limesonline we recommend reading the FAQs.

Come ci si abbona a Limes e Limesonline

For any problem relating to digITal subscriptions or access to the Services of the Limes sITe, you can open a report to our customer service by filling out the form available at this link: https: //

To help customer service to quickly identify and solve the problem, we kindly ask to always enter the following information:

- username;

- if subscriber, type of subscription signed;

- Device (computer, smartphone, tablet ...) and browser (Firefox, safari, chrome ...) that are using themselves.

Subscribe to Limes (only paper magazine)

To subscribe to the magazine on paper you have to go to the websITe www.IlmioAda.IT and choose Limes in the list of magazines of the Gedi publishing group.

Or IT is possible to subscribe through the subscriptions of the Gedi edITorial group.To sign a subscription, call 0864-256266 or wrITe to the subscriptions@Gedidistribuzione.IT.

L’abbonamento, del costo di 99 euro, comprende 12 numeri (mensili), a decorrere dalla prima uscITa successiva alla sottoscrizione.By subscribing to 12 numbers you save 81 euros: the discount is 45%.There is also an offer for 6 numbers for 59 euros.Thus we save 31 euros, for a 34% discount.

La redazione di Limes non gestisce direttamente gli subscriptions; per richieste di informazioni, subscriptions, segnalazione di rITardi o richiesta di soluzioni dei problemi bisogna rivolgersi a Gedi Distribuzione, telefonando al numero 0864-256266 oppure scrivendo all’indirizzo subscriptions@gedidistribuzione.IT.

It is possible to subscribe to the paper edITion of Limes wITh the teacher's card.For more information click here. L’abbonamento (solo annuale) con Carta del docente è sottoscrivibile solo sul sITo www.subscriptions.IT.

To subscribe to the paper magazine click here

To ask for paper copies of the backward numbers of the last three years click here. I numeri degli anni precedenti sono disponibili solo su Limesonline, abbonandosi al nostro sITo (vedi sopra).

Limes on iPad and ebook

Per abbonarsi su iPad occorre scaricare gratuITamente la app di Limes.On iPad you can subscribe for a month at 9.99 euros or for a year at 99.99 euros.You can also buy individual numbers at 14.99 euros.

Per scaricare la app di Limes e abbonarti su iPad clicca qui | Per dubbi e problemi con l’app, scrivere a segnalazioni-extra@gedidigITal.IT.

The individual Numbers of Limes are available individually also in ebooks, but it is not possible to subscribe to the magazine in ebook.

How to cancel the subscription to Limesonline

You can cancel the subscription by calling the number 0689834120 from Monday to Friday from 9 to 21 and on Saturday from 9 to 15, excluding holidays.The call will have no additional cost, except for the costs applied to the user by his telephone operator based on the chosen tariff plan. Una mail di conferma verrà recapITata all’indirizzo indicato al momento dell’attivazione.Oppure si può disdire inviando una PEC all’indirizzo recesso.subscriptionsdigITali@pec.gedidigITal.IT o, in alternativa, un fax al n. 011-5627958, specificando l’oggetto e la User ID necessaria a identificare i Servizi di cui si chiede la disattivazione, con in allegato la copia di un documento di identITà in corso di validITà dell’Utente, al fine di garantire la effettiva provenienza della richiesta dall’Utente medesimo, quale tITolare del Servizio.However, the subscription can be used until the expiry of the current payment period.

Go to the complete list of LIMES numbers