Instagram will solve the problem of stories without audio

Time: 18/Jan By: kenglenn 679 Views

Currently, it is even possible to silence a video while it is still playing by rotating the switch, even if the gesture should not deactivate the rest of the sounds of a pomeonfonian.Silent videos may seem like a blessing for friends who love to insert every new song suggested in their Instagram history, but that's not exactly how the switch should work.

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Instagram risolverà il problema delle Storie senza audio

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The silent mode is in fact designed mainly to control the sounds of the system, for example ringtones and text tones, without interfering with the audio generated by the various applications.It is not clear whether this problem has an impact on other users who perform previous versions of iOS, and Facebook has not confirmed if the problem is specifically related to the new operating system.

However, Menlo Park released the following statement by promising a solution shortly for the problem: "We are aware that some people have problems feeling audio in Instagram stories.We are working to solve this problem as quickly as possible and we apologize for the inconvenience ".

With timing still to be clarified, but the social network is evidently to work to end the inconvenience effectively and, of course, faster possible.