iPhone 13 and 13 Pro, the question remains high as well as the waiting time - HDBLOG.it

Time: 08/Dec By: kenglenn 768 Views

According to the Analysts of the Bank of Bank, the application remains even higher than the offer with delivery times that remain "high compared to the iPhone 12 series".In the United States, the situation is slightly better with non -pro models that continue to be also available with a day retreat at an Apple Store, which is almost to be excluded with the pro models.

In Europe, the situation is generally similar to the Italian one with delivery times that for the Pro models are at about 25 days against the 11 days needed for iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Min which are however often available for the collection during the day in AppleStore.China has been worse than everyone.To have an iPhone 13 Mini or an iPhone 13, 15 and 19 days are necessary.For the Pro models, the wait rises to 45 days.

iPhone 13 e 13 Pro, la domanda resta elevata così come il tempo di attesa - HDblog.it

According to JP Morgan estimates, however, the situation will be monitored for the next few weeks given the "offer constraints" to which the Cupertino company is however subject to.As highlighted also in the latest report on quarterly data, which has however reached a turnover record, Apple will continue to face supply problems due to the deficiency of chips that "permue".Tim Cook said that the supply problems cost around 6 billion dollars in the last quarter.