Jealous boyfriend?Here's how to hide the WhatsApp chat

Time: 31/Dec By: kenglenn 844 Views

How many times have you happened to find you with your smartphone in the hands of your jealous boyfriend and, therefore, to want to find a quick method to hide a WhatsApp chat without having to eliminate it?Let's see how it can be done quickly and absolutely painless.

Let's start from the beginning.To hide our secret chats on WhatsApp or simply some message that we would like to keep more mysterious there is a simple and quick method.Removeing a chat from the spotlight to keep it away from prying eyes is in fact possible thanks to a makeup that we are going to reveal immediately.

To hide a WhatsApp chat without having to delete it from our phone, just simply carry out the procedure to archive it.All you have to do is open the app and click on the desired conversation for a few seconds, dragging it from right to left.At this point, a menu of options will appear on the screen from which just select 'Archia Chat'.

 Fidanzato geloso? Ecco come nascondere la chat di WhatsApp

In this way, the chat will still be present in complete integrity within our WhatsApp Archive, but will no longer appear publicly among the main ones, at the opening of the application.It is a perfect method to make the chats that we do not want to share with the intrusive looks of all those who could for any reason approaching our smartphone, be they friends, parents or precisely a boyfriend or a jealous husband.

To recover the archived conversation, then, just write the name of the contact of the person in question in the search bar and everything - but everything - will return to normal.The archived chats are in fact perfectly functioning, both to recover the old messages and to write and receive new ones.

The method, as we have seen, is extremely simple and works on all operating systems, therefore both on Android smartphones and with iPhones equipped with the Apple iOS software.