Can't connect to this network: How to fix in Windows 10

Time: 26/Mar By: kenglenn 767 Views

Can't connect to this network: How to fix in Windows 10

The "We cannot connect to this network" error is one of the most common errors in Windows 10. It occurs when you try to connect from a notebook or 2-in-1 convertible to a WiFi network.Unfortunately, the s...

WiFI tethering from Android not working? Find out how

Time: 25/Mar By: kenglenn 707 Views

WiFI tethering from Android not working? Find out how

When you are away from home and need the Internet, it may be necessary to use WiFi tethering which allows you to use your Android smartphone as a modem to navigate from your PC....

How to activate tethering on your smartphone and turn it into a Wi-Fi hotspot Subscribe to the Fastweb Digital Magazine newsletter Thank you for subscribing!

Time: 24/Mar By: kenglenn 681 Views

How to activate tethering on your smartphone and turn it into a Wi-Fi hotspot Subscribe to the Fastweb Digital Magazine newsletter Thank you for subscribing!

Tethering is a very useful but little-known method of Internet connection sharing. It can save us on more than one occasion, both at home or in the office and when we are out and about and have...

Android hotspot does not work: the Internet connection is not shared

Time: 23/Mar By: kenglenn 707 Views

Android hotspot does not work: the Internet connection is not shared

The personal hotspot functionality available in Android is one of those we appreciate most: by enabling the smartphone turns into a real WiFi modem router that allows condivo ...

Vodafone hotspot does not work: what to do

Time: 22/Mar By: kenglenn 790 Views

Vodafone hotspot does not work: what to do

Vodafone Hotspot does not work: what to do | Access and Gasinternet CasaSiSicurazioninoGeggio AutomobilePay TVmutuiUTIIZI NEWSOGINHOME & GT;News for ...

Windtre hotspot does not work: what to do

Time: 21/Mar By: kenglenn 679 Views

Windtre hotspot does not work: what to do

Windtre Hotspot does not work: what to do | Access and Gasinternet CasaSiSicurazioninoGeggio AutomobilePay TVmutuiUTIIZI NEWSOGINHOME & GT;News for ...

How to use the cell phone connection for the PC

Time: 20/Mar By: kenglenn 816 Views

How to use the cell phone connection for the PC

What to do if the internet connection of the house or in the office does not work as it should, but do we need urgent to connect to the web?What to do if we have to connect with our laptop when ...

Samsung smartwatch will help Parkinson's patients, according to a study

Time: 19/Mar By: kenglenn 781 Views

Samsung smartwatch will help Parkinson's patients, according to a study

All the latest Samsung smartwatchs, including the new Samsung Galaxy Watch 4, are equipped with different functions for monitoring the health of those who use them.According to a search for "Frontie ...

It improves the compatibility between Samsung Galaxy Watch4 and Galaxy Buds headphones

Time: 18/Mar By: kenglenn 666 Views

It improves the compatibility between Samsung Galaxy Watch4 and Galaxy Buds headphones

There are many to consider Samsung Galaxy Watch4 and Galaxy Watch4 Classic the two best smartwatchs that the Korean giant has ever made, device with which the manufacturer returns to Wear OS and puts p ...

Samsung Galaxy Watch4 review, the best smartwatch to combine with a Galaxy smartphone

Time: 17/Mar By: kenglenn 729 Views

Samsung Galaxy Watch4 review, the best smartwatch to combine with a Galaxy smartphone

Galaxy Watch4 shows up with a solid aluminum case.The 40mm model has dimensions 40.4x39.3x9.8mm and weight of 25.9 grams, while the 44mm model has dimensions 44.4x43.3x9.8mm and weight of 3 ...

How to unlock iPhone with Apple Watch when you wear a mask

Time: 16/Mar By: kenglenn 691 Views

How to unlock iPhone with Apple Watch when you wear a mask

IPhone owners with integrated Faceid technology can now unlock the iPhone even while wearing the mask, an element that could prevent the correct recognition of the face when ...

10 Best SmartWatch compatible with 2021 Samsung [compatible with Galaxy Serie Z, Galaxy S21 and old smartphones]

Time: 15/Mar By: kenglenn 685 Views

10 Best SmartWatch compatible with 2021 Samsung [compatible with Galaxy Serie Z, Galaxy S21 and old smartphones]

With the best smartwatch compatible with Samsung we mean smartwatches that work better if combined with an Android phone, and there are many to choose from, and it is here that it comes into play q ...

Samsung Galaxy Watch 4: "Roger, can you hear me? Over and out"

Time: 14/Mar By: kenglenn 686 Views

Samsung Galaxy Watch 4: "Roger, can you hear me? Over and out"

Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 turns into a nice Walkie Talkie with the new Samsung App just released by the company.Samsung Galaxy Watch 4: the Walkie Talkie arrives The fusion of Wear OS and...

The AirTag battery can be replaced easily, but lasts more than a year

Time: 13/Mar By: kenglenn 694 Views

The AirTag battery can be replaced easily, but lasts more than a year

After weeks of rumors, Apple's AirTags have finally become official, the locators for objects that interface with the smartwatch's Where's application. In the documents of ...

iPhone 13 from today in Italy: here are the offers and telco packages

Time: 12/Mar By: kenglenn 736 Views

iPhone 13 from today in Italy: here are the offers and telco packages

iPhone 13 from today in Italy: here are the offers and packages of telco - CorCom OUR SERVICESSERVICESFollow usPREMIUM AREAWhitepaperEventsWebinarCHANNELSDigital EconomyTelcoPA DigitaleMediaIndustria 4.0...