Vodafone hotspot does not work: what to do

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    Even the Vodafone operator has long offered the free hotspot function, i.e. the possibilITy of sharing the data connection wITh other devices: unfortunately, as for other companies, IT may happen that IT does not work and that IT is not possible to navigate on the terminals connected to the WiFi networkgenerated by the device on which the manager's SIM is inserted.What should be done in these cases?

    Sharing the Giga of your offer is a very useful function, especially if you have consistent data traffic and if you do not have another connection available (for example an ADSL, an optical fiber or a connection to a public wifi network).If Vodafone hotspot does not work, the problem could be related to an incorrect configuration of the APN.

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    1. Correct Vodafone APN parameters
    2. Vodafone hotspot does not work on iPhone: what to do
    3. Vodafone Hotspot does not work on Android: how to solve

    Correct Vodafone APN parameters

    The APN (Access Point Name) is the access point through which the smartphone (or another device) connects to the network.In most cases, inserting the Vodafone SIM on the phone, the APN configuration settings are automatically downloaded and applied.But if, however, the internet does not work or the hotspot is connected but IT appears "internet not available" or a similar message, perhaps there is something wrong wITh the parameters.You can check that the settings are correct.

    The APN Vodafone parameters, valid for almost all devices (Android or iOS) are as follows:

    Hotspot Vodafone non funziona: che cosa fare

    How to verify that these parameters are recorded correctly or how to insert them, if they are not present?

    Vodafone hotspot does not work on iPhone: what to do

    If you own an iPhone and you cannot make the Vodafone hotspot work, enter first on personal settings/hotspots and check that the option is active.You can also opt for a restoration of the network settings on Settings/Generals/Restores/Restore Network Settings, followed by a restart: in this way you could already solve the problem.

    If the problem persists, you can set up a new APN, inserting the correct parameters seen previously.Proceed in this way:

    Vodafone Hotspot does not work on Android: how to solve

    If you are using an Android smartphone or tablet, the path to configure the APN can be different from model to model, even if the steps will be quITe similar.Taking into consideration a version of "standard" Android, the steps to follow are as follows:

    Enter on settings/network and internet/mobile/advanced network/names access points;

    By selecting the new APN from the list, mobile internet connection and hotspot should be working.

    We repeat IT once again: this guide is based on an "pure" version of Android: if you own a device wITh an interface customized by the manufacturer, for example an Xiaomi, a Samsung or a Huawei, IT is possible that the path to access theChange of APN changes slightly.If you cannot orient yourself wITh the generic path, then, you can consult the instruction manual of your model or you can contact the manufacturer's customer support to receive assistance.

    When the hotspot does not work, therefore, the most obvious solution is a verification and reconfiguration of the operator's APNs: if, however, the problem persists even after correctly setting all the parameters and checking that IT is active, IT is advisable to contactThe Customer Care of the Vodafone Company to obtain all the necessary support.

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