WhatsApp Beta becomes more inclusive: update two emoticons and makes them not binary - HDBlog.it

Time: 23/Jan By: kenglenn 718 Views

Guido11 Nov 2021 @ 11:23

You are confusing analysis and description, social acceptance and logic.

Below The Gardener Willy linked me to an article to make me aware of the differences between gender and sex. Well, paradoxically, this article, those linked to it and a PDF document drawn up by psychologists do nothing but confirm what I maintain: things get confused under the social thrust of the need and ambition to normalize the condition of people who have problems with reality.

I'm only quoting this passage from the PDF prepared by the psychologists. According to them (and we're just on page 2, so it's not that they've had the opportunity to rattle off complicated concepts which, if forgotten, lead you to confusion and error), "gender identity indicates, for example, if a person internally perceives itself as male or female, or according to other possible gender declinations in a given cultural context." So gender identity, which should be completely distinct from sex, has to do with sex because it indicates the sex that a person perceives internally. Not only that: male and female, material, anatomical, chromosomal data become a matter of self-perception. And, dulcis in fundo, they are part of the gender declinations of a given culture!

And then you ask me why all this shouldn't be encouraged? Because it indicates a total detachment from reality. Inevitable given that we try to normalize mental states that are products of existences in conflict with reality. And in doing this, description is confused (there are people who experience their biological identity in conflict) with analysis (since they exist, they are right: meaningless reasoning), social acceptance (they must not be excluded or oppressed socially) with logic (we justify the need not to discriminate against them by claiming that what they express is sensible and consistent with reality).

WhatsApp Beta becomes more inclusive: update two emoticons and makes them non-binary - HDblog.it

For your information: the link to the article is

https://www. ilpost.it/2017/07/05/identita-di-genere/

inside you will find a link to an article which talks about a nice Canadian dad who has not recognized his son as either a boy or a girl, claiming that when he grows up he will choose whether to be a boy or a girl (but sex and gender aren't they hoped?) and the link to the PDF where the aforementioned pearl is already on page 2.