WhatsApp, how to listen to audio messages faster

Time: 10/Jun By: kenglenn 690 Views

The WhatsApp developer team has thought it well to release a useful function for all those who do not like listening to voice messages, in particular the very long ones: already anticipated by the beta of the application released during the past few weeks, the novelty is finally available fordebut in our devices.

In fact, the latest version of WhatsApp for smartphones and desktop adds a button to speed up the reproduction of the audio messages received until it halves the duration of each registration, thus allowing us to save precious time!

To take advantage of the novelty it is necessary to update the application and subsequently, just start listening to a vowel to see the new button ** 1x, 1.5x and 2x ** appear: by touching it - with a click in the computer version - it will be possiblegradually increase speed.Nonetheless, although it is quite comfortable, this functionality does not always guarantee excellent results: in fact, if the sender of the message makes a recording speaking very quickly, further speeding up by WhatsApp could make it totally incomprehensible.

WhatsApp, come ascoltare i messaggi audio più velocemente

Among other things, moreover, the update will make the @ symbol appear on the groups in the list of conversations, when a user mentions us or responds to one of our message.

All that remains is to try these news but in the meantime, take a look at the gallery of this article to discover 12 useful WhatsApp functions.


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