When you are no longer resilient go away, but on tiptoe

Time: 14/Mar By: kenglenn 966 Views

When I was a teenager, as the son and grandson of Fiat workers, I knew that my destiny was sealed: I would be a Fiat worker, a privilege. Then, years later, if deserving, I could have become a “Fiat employee” (“travet” in Piedmontese). For the same salary, I would no longer have breathed in the smells of exhausted oils, the iron shavings of my lathe, the acid sweat of colleagues. I would have been parked in a non-place, as were the so-called "building offices".

Here, instead of the blue overalls, I would have worn a GFT suit, given the price, already worn out at the time of purchase, I would have done an idiotic job, looked down on the workers, despite being one of them. Some travets, to underline their difference in status, had the nail of their left little finger grow abnormally.

It was an ante litteram Green Pass that certified you, at the same time, "travet doc" and idiot in purity.

But work, then, had its own authentic social dignity, and was well paid. A Fiat worker earned much more than a municipal employee, and in society (at the Circolo delle Bocce, of course) he had a status just below that of shopkeepers and small professionals.

The economic miracle, the strategic and social choices of Vittorio Valletta allowed the Fiat workers to have a first-rate private welfare, to let their children study, to buy, in addition to the 600, the classic "room, dining room, kitchenette" in the suburbs extreme and, for the more thrifty, one identical to Borghetto Santo Spirito. Not even conceivable for a worker or a travet today, he is a wretch who does not go beyond the purchase of a hand blender or an iPhone in installments on Black Friday.

Quando non sei più resiliente vattene, ma in punta di piedi

The poor average families have accepted, giving up their savings and blatantly wrong, to raise their children allowing them to "consume without working". If you begin to consume before producing you are destined for ultimate poverty, just as if you do not have the dream of improving yourself, of fighting to have a future different from the present. None of this can happen in the mythical world of CEO capitalism, which has transformed the future into the present, projecting working life directly towards the citizenship couch.

Everything is already planned, your life is already written, it is up to you only to pretend to live it, you will never be able to enter into the merits of the allowed or forbidden modalities, you simply have to stick to the protocol that has been given to you. It will be a life without surprises, nothing will ever happen to you, because you are an App, you have a Pass but you don't have a life.

Mom and dad used to tell me: "Happiness does not come towards you, you have to be the one to chase it". Today this great truth is completely outdated. Many do not know what happiness is and, intellectually brutish as they are, not even interested in knowing it. If you are a "loser" of globalization, happiness is not included in your life protocol, if you are a "winner" (do you know there are four cats?) Happiness is already part of your genetic heritage.

So is death. All your life they sold you that you were mortal, that you had to think positively, that you had to be resilient (you didn't have time to fall that you already had to bounce on your feet, like the gymnasts of the East), so you were convinced to move away death from your thoughts. Such as?

Every evening, once you addressed your prayer to Jesus, now not anymore, your gods were Technology, Science. Enriched with physical and mental anti-aging products, before going to sleep you listen enraptured on TV to the "Scientist", the "Politician", the "Journalist" who "give you", as per protocol, fake truth.

Then, one day, suddenly, you find yourself old, "your expiration date" appeared on the display. You still feel alive, but the algorithm has decided that you are old, you have to leave, and even on tiptoe, so as not to disturb the maneuvers.

Happy Christmas!
