Windtre hotspot does not work: what to do |Comparasemplice.Itcomparasemplice.IT access
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49.90 €/MESEConfrontaWindtre is one of the main operators of the Italian mobile and fixed market: born from the merger of Wind and three, IT has millions of customers throughout the peninsula, thanks to particularly interesting rates and promotions.All Windtre offers allow you to have the free hotspot, to share the data network wITh all the devices that support the WiFi network: however, cases could occur in which sharing does not work: for example, IT is not possible to find the generated WiFi networkfrom the device or is present but the message "connected, wIThout the internet" compares.
As wITh other operators, if the Windtre hotspot does not work the problem is often linked to the APN.Let's see, therefore, what to do to solve this problem and finally use the sharing of the company's data network, both on iPhone and on an Android smartphone.
- Correct apn Windtre parameters
- Windtre hotspot does not work on iPhone: what to do
- Hotspot Tim does not work on Android: what to do
Correct apn Windtre parameters
For those who still do not know, the APN (Access Point Name) are parameters that allow the phone to access the Internet service offered by a specific operator.Only in this, therefore, a user can take advantage of the data connection of the company he is the customer and share the network wITh other devices (the hotspot is not paid wITh almost all operators on the market).
In some cases, unfortunately, problems may occur and IT is not possible to make the wireless connection: what to do in these cases?
First of all, you need to know the correct apn Windtre parameters: fortunately the data to be entered to correctly configure the internet connection wITh this operator are few.
• Name: of your choice (you can also wrITe only "Windtre") • APN: Internet.IT
The "username" and "password" voices must remain empty, while the rest of the settings will have to be unchanged.
Come si può leggere sul sITo ufficiale della compagnia, “la maggior parte degli smartphone si configura automaticamente al primo inserimento della SIM WINDTRE.If you can't navigate, IT may be necessary to manually insert the access point (APN: Internet.IT)”.
In teoria, quindi, quando inserITe una sim WINDTRE all’interno del telefono, dovreste ricevere un messaggio di configurazione che imposterà in automatico i parametri visti precedentemente, creando e salvando gli APN necessari. Se, però, ciò non accade e WINDTRE non funziona su Internet, allora seguITe le istruzioni passo passo che trovate nei prossimi paragrafi.
Windtre hotspot does not work on iPhone: what to do
If you are Apple users on mobile and you have an iPhone or iPad wITh SIM, the procedure for creating and setting the apn Windtre correctly is as follows:
If you own an iPhone or iPad not updated to the latest iOS versions, the instructions to get to the APN setting page could be different, such as: Settings/Generals/Cell Data Network.
Hotspot Tim does not work on Android: what to do
If, on the other hand, use an Android smartphone, the procedure to set up the apn Windtre could be different depending on the model: this is because many producers prefer, often also heavily, the user interface of the operating system and, therefore, also the ITemsmenu.
However, we can provide generic guidelines, similar to all Android smartphones:
In alcuni casi potrebbe essere necessario un riavvio della rete (attivando e disattivando dopo qualche secondo la modalITà aereo o riavviando direttamente il telefono) per rendere attive le impostazioni.
Se avete qualche difficoltà a seguire queste istruzioni, magari perché il vostro smartphone Android ha un’interfaccia totalmente diversa e non riuscITe a trovare la sezione esatta per la creazione e l’impostazione degli APN, vi consigliamo di consultare il manuale delle istruzioni del disposITivo o di contattare l’assistenza clienti WINDTRE al numero 159.
Insomma, se l’hotspot WINDTRE non funziona, in molti casi la causa è legata ai parametri APN sbagliati o addirITtura assenti. Purtroppo, però, potrebbero verificarsi dei malfunzionamenti o dei disservizi (fortunatamente molto rari) slegati a questi parametri, magari a causa di un problema della rete del gestore o addirITtura del telefono stesso. Se non riuscITe a risolvere seguendo questa guida, provate a parlare con il customer care WINDTRE o rivolgetevi al servizio clienti del produttore dello smartphone.
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