3 very fast ways to free the memory of the iPhone

Time: 22/Oct By: kenglenn 668 Views

Gli iPhone hanno meno problemi con le app spazzatura perché trovi soltanto le app confezionate da Apple. Ma alcuni di questi programmi sono superflui e puoi decidere di toglierli per non averli sempre tra i piedi ed evitare di creare la cartella “spazzatura” in fondo alla lista di app. Per fortuna, dal lancio di iOS 10 nel 2016, la Mela consente di rimuovere praticamente tutto: Calcolatrice, Calendario, Bussola, Contatti, FaceTime, Casa, Libri, Borsa, Posta, Mappe, Apple Music, Note, Podcast, Promemoria, Attività, Suggerimenti, Video, Memo vocali e Meteo.3 modi velocissimi per liberare la memoria dell'iPhone

To remove one of these apps, follow the same procedure that you would use for an app downloaded from the App Store: press for a long time on the icon, then choose Eliminate App from the menu that appears.Once the removal in the confirmation window is confirmed, the game is done and, if in the future I need to need that program again, you can find it on the store.

In some cases, the removal of the app will not erase the associated functionality, integrated into iOS.This is the case of FaceTime - you can delete the app but continue to make and receive calls via the telephone app - and contacts, which will continue to be present next to the numeric keypad.The only applications that you cannot remove are safaris and messages.

If this step should not be enough, go to Settings, write the word "Remove apps that do not use" and select the functionality, in order to automatically cancel the apps that have not used for more than 180 days, keeping only thedata in memory if one day you wanted to download it again and start using it from the precise point where you left it.

Remove messages and attachments