Android Auto: Guide to the main problems and how to solve them

Time: 18/Jan By: kenglenn 804 Views

Argomenti: Assistenza Tecnica, Evergreen, Guide smartphone e Telefonia Pubblicato il:12-04-2021 19:08 , Ultimo aggiornamento:19-11-2021 12:28Max Headroom

Far from being a world linked only to mobile, Android is one of the most used operating systems in the most diverse areas: new generation cars, for example, could not be an exception, and surely Android Auto is one of the most common solutions to connectRadio, Spotify and/or Navigator of the phone allowing the sharing wITh the standard car radio.There are many cars that have this tool supplied, and sometimes connect IT could create some problems that I recently faced, and which I will talk to you in this new article.

  • 6)"The phone does not react“: what does it mean and how to solve
  • 7)Delete the Google Play Services cache
  • 8)Spotify does not seem to work at the moment
  • 9)Non -synchronized column via bluetooth
  • 10)CompatibilITà vetture con Android Auto
  • The problems we will talk about are, among other things, the possibilITy that the Android Auto icon will be disabled, a symptom of the fact that we cannot connect the phone to the navigator via USB.In this case, for example, I managed to make IT work, although the feeling remains that compatibilITy is not 100% wITh any phone and that, above all, the connection works more quickly the first time IT sets ITself than, absurdly, the subsequent ones.


    Alzi la mano chi non ha mai avuto un problema anche piccolo nell’usare Android Auto: croce e delizia degli utenti fin dalla sua nascITa, da quando ho cambiato auto è diventata un po’ la mia ossessione, e dava da subITo l’idea di non essere un’app troppo alla portata di tutti con vari aspetti che, si spera, miglioreranno già nei prossimi mesi. Di fatto, sembra che stiamo testando noi stessi sulla nostra pelle questa app, dalla diffusione certamente da non sottovalutare ed incentrata su uno standard che ancora, di fatto, è tutt’altro che universale. I problemi che descriveremo sono solo alcuni di quelli che possono capITare, e man mano aggiorneremo l’articolo con le varie cose che eventualmente potete anche segnalarci in modo che proviamo ad indagare un po’.Android Auto: guida ai principali problemi e come risolverli

    Android Auto should already be available by default on all recent Android phones (from the Android 6 version onwards is ok, in theory), but you can also install the smartphone version from the Play Store:

    app which in truth does not have many options, at least to date, and is simply monIToring.

    Ci sono due modalITà di connessione alla propria auto: la prima è mediante cavo USB (potete utilizzare quello che già avete per ricaricare il telefono o collegarlo al computer, ad esempio), la seconda è mediante bluetooth. In generale funziona così:Android Auto: guida ai principali problemi e come risolverli

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    1. per quello che riguarda comandi vocali del telefono, rubrica, messaggi e funzionalITà analoghe, è sufficente collegare con il bluetooth il telefono alla radio, e potrete fare chiamate in vivavoce facilmente;
    2. per connettere Android Auto che, di fatto, stabilisce una connessione in condivisione tra lo schermo del telefono e quello del vostro navigatore, dovrete necessariamente collegarlo con un cavo USB – cavo che, come suggerimento generale, vi invITo a non utilizzare troppo lungo. Se è vero che ce ne sono pure da 3 metri in circolazione, uno da un metro in genere dovrebbe bastare – quelli troppo lunghi sono sconsigliati creano dispersione di tensione, e possono non funzionare al meglio (sconnettendosi e riconnettendosi in continuazione, ad esempio). Inoltre, i cavi USB troppo lunghi possono diventare un potenziale intralcio alla guida, e quindi devono essere evITati a maggior ragione.

    Ogni tipo di configurazione è opportuno che venga effettuata quando l’auto è parcheggiata in un posto in cui non crei intralcio ala circolazione (tutta la parte USB non funziona affatto in fase di configurazione, il più delle volte, se l’auto è in movimento).Android Auto: guida ai principali problemi e come risolverli

    CompatibilITà della proiezione wireless

    In many circumstances the Android version used in your phone can make the difference: according to Google, the wireless projection for example works on any phone wITh Android 11.0, and only on Google or Samsung phones wITh Android 10.0 or, again, Android 9.0 but only on Samsung Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8+ or Note 8 phones.

    Impostare la modalITà di connessione USB

    On some Xiaomi phones, for example (not on all models: from my tests IT does IT only on Redmi Note 9 and not on Redmi Note 8, at least wITh current operating systems) the problem occurs that when we try to connect the phone all'Auto via USB is obtained a "colleague-scolleg" effect, that is, the connection seems to go crazy and IT does not give you the time to select the right option: in the meantime the screen on Android Auto appears which says "The phone does not answer".

    Here is the screen in question on Android Auto, however, the phone does not react:

    How to solve the problem of the USB connection to Android Auto that does not work

    For the USB connection, authentic plug in the side for some telephone models (including some versions of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 model, for example) IT is in the first instance that can be resolved wITh the following steps:

    Remember that the first time you use Android Auto, but also in the event that you are trying to solve a problem and then you are for example by removing a configuration to install IT from scratch, you can remove and add the cars by connecting them via USB and tapping on the connecting optionAuto (Connect to Car wITh the + In front sign) that you can see below, after having stopped on the app and selected the wheel wheel (settings, in the photo).

    Communication error 16: what it is and how to solve it

    This error is widespread and appears wITh a very annoying red screen, specifically wITh continuous connection attempts between cars and smartphones that are not successful.Here is an example of the screen in question (click to enlarge the message):

    The problem in this case seems to be linked to a simple circumstance to be solved: in practice you will have to disable the cloned apps in your android phone in your phone.It is not clear why they are not compatible wITh the Android Auto app, but that error is almost always linked to this problem.

    To solve, therefore, you have to do this:

    1. staccate l’USB e scollegate il bluetooth dall’auto;
    2. andate dal menu di Android su Impostazioni, e poiApp e poi App clonate (potete anche cercare direttamente la sezione App clonate);
    3. cliccate sulla rotellina in altoa destra ed assicuratevi che le app clonate non siano presenti o siano disabilITate; se lo sono, troverete un’opzione selezionabile Eliminazione account di app clonate, cliccate su rimuovi e riavvia dal menu conseguente;
    4. il telefono si dovrebbe riavviare da solo: se non succedesse, riavviatelo voi;
    5. mentre si sta riavviando, collegatelo via USB e verificate se aprendo Android Auto il problema si ripresenti: non dovrebbe più ripresentarsi.

    "File transfer" option

    As a further suggestion, I advise you to enable the phone via USB once the "File transfer" option via the notification, avoiding that Android Auto will try to connect before you have chosen the option.It is certainly an Android bug that, hopefully, will be resolved in the next versions of the app, even if on the forums IT was read that the app will be abandoned to move on to something more updated and functioning.

    In the meantime, the only way to resolve seems to be to immediately give the choice on "file transfer" once you have connected the USB cable both to the phone and the machine.

    "The phone does not react“: what does it mean and how to solve

    This message tends to appear on the navigator screen in the event that IT cannot synchronize wITh the phone just connected.Especially if one goes in a hurry, IT is a real drying: but the solution I found wITh my Xiaomi is to try to restart the phone leaving IT connected wITh the USB.

    It is not said that IT is resolved, but waITing a lITtle and - always wITh the car stopped, I recommend, both for a driving safety fact and to prevent the connection from being refused by the system - in general IT is resolved by ITself,He automatically detects Android Auto and will resume everything to work in sync even on the car screen.

    On some Xiaomi phones, for example (not on all models: from my tests IT does IT only on Redmi Note 9 and not on Redmi Note 8, at least wITh current operating systems) the problem occurs that when we try to connect the phone all'Auto via USB you could find an effect of the "colleague-scolleg" type, that is, the connection seems to "go crazy" and IT does not give you the time to select the right option: in the meantime, the screen on Android Auto appears which says "The"phone does not answer ".

    Here is the screen in question on Android Auto, however, the phone does not react:

    For the USB connection, authentic plug in the side for some telephone models (including some versions of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 model, for example) IT is theoretically resolved:

    Delete the Google Play Services cache

    To reset the connection and set IT from scratch, in some cases IT may also be useful to delete the Google Play Services cache, from what you read around the subject: you delete the cache wITh a disconnected phone from Android Auto and then try again atconnect.In the next screen, in practice, you need to click OK to confirm.

    Spotify does not seem to work at the moment

    In these cases IT occurs that Spotify does not start, simply.

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    This error is relatively easy to solve: wITh a car stop, leave the phone connected and start the Spotify app manually.Then try again to activate IT by Android Auto and, in this case, should start working immediately.

    Non -synchronized column via bluetooth

    It happened to me today as I returned home: disappeared column and therefore the numbers they called me did not appear while I was in the car.QuITe strange bug because in fact the phone was connected, yet IT did not work.The only thing in these cases is to disconnect the device from Bluetooth and try to reconnect IT, or (in case IT appears) to pick up on the special button of your navigator screen to synchronize contacts (each car has ITs own, in general, even if somemodels don't have IT apparently).

    CompatibilITà vetture con Android Auto

    Recent vehicles from the following brands are compatible today wITh Android Auto.

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