Android smartphones, serious problems with backups: what happens

Time: 03/Aug By: kenglenn 748 Views

ANDROIDSmartphone Android, gravi problemi con i backup: cosa succede

For several months many users have not been able to make the Android backup on Google Drive.And many don't know that their data is not safe on the cloud


There are Android users who, for nine months, have no longer been able to backup their data on their Google Drive space.The serious thing is that often they don't even know, the even more serious one is that Google has no response to give these users.

And then there is a third thing, perhaps more serious than all: deactivating the request for the password (or biometric unlocking) in the lock screen everything goes back to function correctly.It is clear, therefore, that it is a bug and the fact that it occurs on smartphones of different producers (even on the pixels of Google herself) suggests that it is an Android bug, not the individual devices.The fact is that, for months, many users cannot automatically upload their data to drive and this could be a big problem in case of need to reset the phone to the factory settings.

No backups on Android: what it is about

The reports relating to this problem were sent by numerous users on Reddit, on the forums and even on the official Google forum which, therefore, knows very well that there is a problem with backups.The problems were encountered on Motorola, OnePlus, Samsung, Huawei smartphone (obviously only on those with Google's services still) and even on the pixels produced by Google herself.

Il bug non dà nessun sintomo: per sapere che c’è il problema bisogna andare su Impostazioni > Sistema > Backup, dove il pulsante del backup è disattivato e tutti i campi relativi ai “Backup attivi" (Dati delle app, Cronologia chiamate, Contati, Impostazioni dispositivo, Foto e video, SMS) risultano costantemente “In attesa di backup“.Normally, if the backup goes through, the user can read after a few minutes "Backup performed x minutes ago", followed by the Backup time.

Backup problems on Android: the farce solution

Since Google does not respond to the numerous reports, the most sorted users have done to find a solution through a series of ADB commands (those who launch from the prompt).Then there is a solution to the problem to say the least embarrassing (for Google, of course): if we deactivate the safety options in the lock screen, incredibly the backup is unlocked.So we will first have to deactivate all the safety options, make the backup, and after finishing reactivating safety in the lock screen.