Are you sure you know how the Google Drive basket works?

Time: 21/Oct By: kenglenn 582 Views

Anno dopo anno i principali produttori di smartphone aumentano la capacità di memoria interna dei loro telefoni. E così, se un tempo 16 GB erano considerati più che sufficienti, oggi non sembrano bastare nemmeno 128 GB. Tutta “colpa” del salto in avanti compiuto in ambito multimediale: se all’inizio gli scatti migliori erano ad appannaggio esclusivo dei modelli più costosi, oggi anche un cellulare appartenente alla fascia media del mercato riesce a regalare grandi soddisfazioni.Sei sicuro di sapere come funziona il cestino di Google Drive?

It therefore happens with more and more frequency to reach the maximum limit of memory after a while, and consequently to rely on cloud storage services such as Google Drive.

Often and willingly, however, the free versions of the cloud portals tend to run out quickly, due to the limited memory made available for each user.The most common solution is to delete excess files, or rather, the photos and videos that are not essential or that are not to our liking, despite existing other alternative roads that we will describe in short later.

First of all, let's explain now how to free space on Google Drive, illustrating step by step the steps to be taken to cancel the unnecessary contents and thus make room for the new ones.


The procedure to free space on Google Drive

Here is the procedure to free space on Google Drive from the computer:

  1. Collegati alla pagina iniziale di Google Drive
  2. Clicca su “Archiviazione” dal menu laterale a sinistra
  3. Seleziona i file da eliminare (di default sono ordinati in base alla dimensione, dal più grande al più piccolo)
  4. Clicca sull’icona del cestino (“Rimuovi”) per procedere con la cancellazione

Note: if you mistake a file by mistake, you can always restore it with a click on "Cancel" at the bottom left or directly from the trash.

To check how much space has remained, all you have to do is check the number of GBs that appear under "storage".Remember that when you delete a large or small file, it might want of time before the available space is updated.In general, however, the modification is implemented by the Google systems within 24 hours.

These are the steps if you want to free space on Drive from the phone:

  1. Apri Google Drive
  2. Tocca “File” in basso a destra
  3. Scorri e individua il contenuto che vuoi eliminare
  4. Pigia sull’icona dei tre puntini accanto al file che intendi rimuovere, scorri in basso e fai tap su “Rimuovi” per spostarlo nel cestino
  5. Tocca “Sposta nel cestino” per confermare

IMPORTANT: the deleted files end in the Google Drive basket.Here they remain for 30 days, after which they are definitively canceled.Remember also that all the contents present in the trash can be restored: from the main screen of the app it touches the menu icon at the top left, choose "Take", tap on the three dots next to the file that restore, then select the command"Restore".

Read also: how to download Google Drive to Android, iPhone, PC and Mac

How to empty the Google Drive basket

The Google Drive basket screen reports the following notice high: "The elements are definitively eliminated after 30 days".If you want, however, you can proceed with the definitive deletion of the files also manually.Here are the steps to be made to empty the drone basket via smartphone:

  1. Apri Google Drive
  2. Tocca l’icona del menu in alto a sinistra e, dal menu laterale di sinistra, seleziona “Cestino”
  3. Pigia sull’icona dei tre puntini accanto al file che vuoi cancellare una volta per tutte dal cestino e fai tap per due volte consecutive su “Elimina definitivamente”

If you only have a file, once you delete it, the message "No element in the basket" will appear.

Where do I find the Google Drive basket?

The Google Drive basket is among the left side menu items on the main service screen.From the App Make sure you are on the "Home" Tab, and from here choose the Hamburger -shaped menu icon at the top left and select the "Basket" tab.

How much space does Google drive have?

The free version of Google Drive offers 15 GB of storage space.To access it, simply create a Google account and log in to the initial Drive page or via app.

Read also: what is Google One and how it works, the subscription to get space at will

How to increase space on Google Drive

If you need a larger space to keep photos, videos and other files, Google also allows you to sign various subscription plans to Google One.The cheapest plan, for example, offers 100 GB of space shared between Google Drive, Gmail and Google Photo.

Here is the procedure for buying one of Google One plans and, consequently, increase space on Google Drive:

  1. Collegati alla home page di Google One
  2. Clicca su “Esegui l’upgrade” in alto a destra
  3. Seleziona uno dei tre piani a pagamento disponibili
  4. Scegli se vuoi pagare mensilmente o una volta all’anno
  5. Pigia su “Accetto” per confermare di aver letto i termini di servizio di Google One
  6. Seleziona l’icona “freccia giù” per scegliere il metodo di pagamento (di default è impostato il saldo del Google Play Store)
  7. Clicca su “Abbonati” per completare l’abbonamento

Note: the amount will be charged automatically after pressing on "subscribers" through the payment method indicated.In the case later, you no longer need it, you have the right to cancel your subscription through the "Subscriptions" section of the Play Store at any time: open the Google Play Store app, touch the profile photo in the upper right, select"Payments and subscriptions", then "subscriptions" and from here cancels the active Google One plan.


Our guide on how to free space on Google Drive ends here.In addition to the service offered by Big G, do you know or use cloud storage of other companies?Which one would you recommend based on your experience to date?Also leave a comment below, we are curious to know your opinion.

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