Better World Summit Huaweil: focus on renewable energy for the future of the earth

Time: 19/Feb By: kenglenn 719 Views

L’incontro è stata l’occasione per parlare di prospettive future e per un mondo più green

During the event Huawei were treated many themes, all united by the choice of the brand to work for a better future and above all more green.We need to make aware and aware choices for the good of society and the planet, a solution that will not only improve our world but above all the quality of our life.A awareness, this, reached in particular after the pandemic period.

Many experts took the floor advancing intelligent proposals and fundamental for the future of the generation that will come.You will have to work above all on the sources of energy, preferring and investing in renewable ones, such as solar energy, for which you are working on the creation of solar panels created by 3D printers.Embranting sustainability also means avoiding pesticides and fertilizers in the agricultural sector, instead exploiting technology as much as possible.

Photo: Usplash

Huawei at the summit proposes his idea of sustainable industry

Better World Summit Huaweil: puntare sull’energia rinnovabile per il futuro della Terra

Among the common objectives we find the desire to minimize carbon emissions, to eliminate them completely.This is not only because the emissions of the fossil have a considerable impact on pollution but above all because like many other resources the reserves are running out and the exhaustion is something irreversible.Even the food sector, as it has been demonstrated, plays a key role, as animal farms produce a quantity of emissions that must be reduced.Very avant-garde solutions such as the Beyond Meet and Plant-Based diets have been proposed, as well as the production of meat directly in the laboratory with reduced costs.

Green Technology seems to be the only solution to continue enjoying a planet already widely tried by the man who lives it and his activities.Digitization must be the starting point for a path that will involve all industrial sectors and which above all will lead to the creation of new working realities.To achieve this, it is essential to educate the new generations and demonstrate them which great advantages the use of technology brings with them.

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