Mobile memory, how to delete the useless files of WhatsApp

Time: 16/Oct By: kenglenn 746 Views

AttualitàMemoria del cellulare, come eliminare i file inutili di WhatsApp

A simple but effective method to delete excess files and free the memory space from your device.

Simone Crapanzano
10 Aprile 2021 13:25

Un tempo era necessario che le informazioni fossero scritte su carta per non perderle ma oggi, e l'ambiente ringrazia, si possono facilmente salvare sul proprio cellulare.Memoria del cellulare, come eliminare i file inutili di WhatsApp

The storage memory is the most important and precious thing that a phone may have.

If with a new device the memory may never seem to end, the sad moment comes when this illusion vanishes, a notification warns that the "available storage space is insufficient" and then you have to go back to reality: memory is full and you have toempty its contents.

Ogni anno escono continuamente nuovi smartphone più moderni e altrettanto aggiornati con una memoria interna sempre più capiente ma che, tuttavia, non riesce mai a soddisfare il fabbisogno di spazio libero per i giga.Memoria del cellulare, come eliminare i file inutili di WhatsApp

An app that can occupy most of the storage space is WhatsApp.

Videos, chat, audio and images, especially those with "good morning" and "goodnight", are the terror of every person but the real question is like eliminating them.

Esiste un sistema molto semplice che permette di liberare lo spazio dei file inutili ricevuti nelle varie chat, che cambia di dispositivo in dispositivo.Memoria del cellulare, come eliminare i file inutili di WhatsApp

In the phones that have an Android system such as, for example, Huawei, Samsung and Xiaomi, you will have to open the WhatsApp application, touch on the three dots at the top right, click on "Settings", continue first on "space and data"And finally on "Manage space".

In iOS systems such as Apple, however, you will have to touch the "Settings" icon at the bottom right, choose "space and data" and then click on the first icon "Manage space".

A screen will open where to view the space occupied entirely by WhatsApp and the free one on the device.

By holding down on a content, this will be selected and can be trashed.

These are decidedly infallible and very useful tricks to be sure that the memory of mobile phones is saved, at least for now.

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