DDAY.it DDAY.it Discovering HDG Italia: developing apps for Huawei is easy with the help of the community

Time: 09/Feb By: kenglenn 947 Views

If we told you that today there are over 12,000 applications on the AppGallery developed in Italy, many probably would not believe it. Yet it is true: almost 10% of the 120,000 applications present on what is now the third ecosystem in the world were created in our country , one of the most active in the development and adaptation of apps for Huawei smartphones and tablets.

The work done in these two years by Huawei is the result not only of the Chinese company's commitment to promote its ecosystem and its alternative to Google Mobile Services but also of an equally incredible work and commitment on the part of European developers. and Italians.

We had already told in the past how companies of the caliber of Satispay had worked in an absolutely "smart" way to be able to manage a single application code and carry out the two versions in parallel, one for AppGallery and one for Google Play Store, and in recent months many other Italian developers who have adopted similar solutions, creating in addition to the one for Android also a version designed to make the most of Huawei Mobile Services and the specific hardware present in Huawei devices.

"This is how I brought Satispay to AppGallery". The developer's story

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The presence of a lean and fast framework, all the libraries necessary for secure biometric authentication and the security checks carried out on the published apps have also brought to AppGallery all those banking applications whose lack represented, at the beginning, a big problem for the users.

Today the apps of almost all the Italian hips are present on the AppGallery in the complete version and completely identical in functionality to the one present on Android. Below is the list to date.

Developing for AppGallery is not difficult, on the contrary: those who already develop natively for Android today, or know hybrid development platforms such as Xamarin or Ionic, only need to take a small step to understand how to bring their app into another ecosystem by increasing its diffusion. You can do it alone, by consulting the documentation on the site dedicated to Huawei developers, or in the company of other developers, with whom to compare, talk and even learn.

For over a year, the doors of HDG Italia, a very active group part of the non-profit European community HUAWEI Developer Groups, have been open for all Italian developers.

This group brings together all the Italian developers who, in addition to being passionate about technology, also want to compare, experiment and learn about AppGallery, Huawei Mobile Services and also the new HarmonyOS, increasing their knowledge and skills at 360 ° in the world of development and mobile programming.

The first online event of the group, last February, dealt, for example, with a topic of wide interest, namely how to implement artificial intelligence and machine learning within an application.

Flutter is one of the most interesting mobile development frameworks in recent years for the number of widgets it provides and for the fairly rapid learning curve, and the opportunity will be perfect to understand how to bring your Flutter app also on Huawei devices. increasing its diffusion.

For those who develop in the mobile field or are thinking of approaching the world of mobile development, the one offered by HDG Italia is certainly an excellent possibility. At the moment there is not yet a real training path, it is simply a matter of expanding one's knowledge in the world of programming to embrace a new sector, but in the community there are still excellent developers who know both native areas and development with frameworks. hybrids, and they are all absolutely available to provide advice and suggestions.