Disable Android screen block

Time: 29/May By: kenglenn 800 Views

Do you often forget the unlock code on your phone or are you tired of having to enter it every time? Are you going to remove the need to enter a code whenever you want to unlock your Android smartphone? Don't worry, in this article we will explain how to remove the unlocking sequence from Android.

Of course, we warn you that such an operation could affect your privacy. Suppose you forget to take your phone with you at all times and at the office or at school you leave it on the table to go to the bathroom. Everyone could get their hands on it and easily view your personal information without your permission!

However, if your decision remains unchanged, continue reading this guide to remove the screen block from Android and follow step by step the directions we will give you. In a few minutes you'll know how to do it!

Delete the Android screen block

If you own an Android smartphone, the procedure to disable the screen block is very simple, although, as said before, it is extremely risky for your privacy. First, you need to go to the settings () and select the item\\ Security ¶. From the new screen that opens up to you, proceed by clicking _ _ block screen _ _ and set up\ Corrimento _ _ or\\ None as a method to unlock your Android smartphone, then enter the PIN if required. Now your device is easily accessible thanks to a swipe on the screen.

In the event that, even following the procedure we have indicated, you have not managed to remove the Android screen block, here is another method for you. One of the major problems you may encounter in disabling the screen block on Android is that the option to select to free your device from password is not selectable.

Disattivare blocco schermo Android

In that case, we must proceed differently. Here are several solutions for you, depending on the type of unlock you have set:

  1. Innanzitutto, devi disattivare il blocco schermo con l’impronta digitale. Se hai un dispositivo che supporta questa funzione e hai impostato l’impronta digitale come sistema di blocco schermo (se non è questo il tuo caso, procedi pure allo step 2), allora vediamo come rimuoverla. Recati nelle impostazioni del tuo smartphone, quindi pigia Sicurezza > Impronta Digitale e digita il PIN, se richiesto, per disabilitare il sblocco schermo con l’impronta. Se non sei riuscito a trovare le voci di questa procedura, allora vai nelle impostazioni, cerca la voce “ID impronta” e poi “Gestione Impronta”, digita le credenziali di sblocco e spunta la levetta relativa all’opzione “Sblocca schermo”;
  2. A questo punto, devi disattivare il PIN di blocco schermo e sostituirlo con una sequenza. Dal menu “Impostazioni”, seleziona la voce “Sicurezza”, quindi “Blocco schermo” e procedi su “Sequenza”, digitando il tuo attuale codice di sblocco e scegliendo una sequenza per sbloccare lo schermo. Nel caso in cui non riesci a trovare la voce “Sicurezza”, procedi dalle impostazioni andando in “Blocco schermo & Password”, seleziona l’attuale metodo di sblocco e digita il codice, quindi premi “Sequenza” e impostane una da usare. Inserisci un PIN di backup quando ti sarà richiesto, per accedere al tuo smartphone nel caso in cui dimentichi la sequenza;
  3. Metti il dispositivo in stand-by (schermo bloccato) e riaccendilo, sbagliando per 5 volte la sequenza di sblocco. Aspetta che il conto alla rovescia finisca e premi sulla voce PIN di backup, che hai impostato prima.

After these steps, your device should be free of any screen unlocking method. Every time you turn it on, in fact, you just need a simple swipe upwards and the game is done.

How to remove Huawei screen block

If you own a Huawei smartphone, the procedures set out in the previous paragraph should work smoothly, but that is not always the case.

In case they Don't suit you, here are alternative solutions to disable the screen block from Huawei:

Well, now that we've seen all the possible steps to unlock the screen of your Android smartphone, you shouldn't have any more trouble doing it. However, we remind you that such an operation could endanger your privacy and your device, allowing anyone to view its contents.