Do you want to delete the Google account?We explain how

Time: 27/Sep By: kenglenn 738 Views

Hai un account Google che non usi e vorresti cancellarlo? Non preoccuparti: oltre a non dover chiedere il permesso a nessuno, è anche un’operazione molto semplice da portare al termine, vedrai che in pochi minuti avrai risolto tutto.Vuoi eliminare l’account Google? Ti spieghiamo come fare

Below we explain how to delete a Google account from the phone and from PC, with or without restoring.


What does the cancellation of a Google account entails

First of all, it is important to know what the elimination of an account involves:

That's why, before proceeding, you should consider a backup of the data, at least those you think most important.To do this we suggest you use Google Takeout, the online tool made available by Google to download all the data of an account and collect it in a single file.

Read also: 10 moves to eliminate a Gmail account

Other important things to do before canceling a Google account

If for any reason you have decided to eliminate your main account, which you previously used for registration to important services, before removing it, make sure:

Importante: per aggiornare le informazioni per il recupero vai su e da qui seleziona Informazioni personali e Informazioni di contatto.Vuoi eliminare l’account Google? Ti spieghiamo come fare

How to delete Google account from the phone

Let's say immediately that there are two ways: with restoration and without restoration.If you decide to delete a Google account by resorting to the restoration of the factory settings, you will not only remove that account, but also all the other data previously saved on the device.Instead, if you choose the second procedure, you will go to erase only the desired account.Here are the steps for the first and second case.

Important: both operations do not involve a definitive elimination of the profile, but only its removal from the smartphone.However, we will also explain how to erase an account forever, both from the phone and from the PC.

Delete Google Android account with restoration

  1. Apri l’app Impostazioni
  2. Fai uno scroll verso il basso e tocca “Informazioni sul telefono”
  3. Pigia su “Ripristina”
  4. Fai tap su “Ripristina dati di fabbrica”
  5. Esegui uno scroll verso il basso e pigia su “Ripristina” per confermare

Delete Google Android account without restoration

  1. Apri Impostazioni
  2. Fai uno scroll verso il basso e tocca “Account e backup”
  3. Fai tap su “Gestisci account” per visualizzare tutti gli account salvati sul dispositivo
  4. Seleziona l’account Google che vuoi eliminare
  5. Tocca “Rimuovi account” per confermare la cancellazione

Delete Google Android account definitively

As explained before, the two operations above cancel the Google account only from the phone in use, without going to affect any data connected to it.If, on the other hand, you want to proceed with the definitive elimination, here is the procedure to follow:

  1. Apri Impostazioni (l’app con l’icona dell’ingranaggio)
  2. Fai uno scroll verso il basso e seleziona “Google”
  3. Tocca “Gestisci il tuo account Google”
  4. Vai su “Dati e personalizzazione”
  5. Fai uno scroll verso il basso fino a trovare “Scarica o elimina i tuoi dati oppure stabilisci un piano per la loro gestione” e fai tap su “Elimina un servizio o il tuo account Google”
  6. Scegli “Elimina il tuo account” (in questo stesso passaggio puoi creare un archivio dei tuoi dati di Google tramite “Scarica i tuoi dati”)
  7. Segui le istruzioni su schermo fornite da Google per completare l’eliminazione definitiva dell’account

Note: For our study we used the Samsung Galaxy A52, some steps may be different based on the smartphone in use.

How to delete a Google account from the PC

Let's now move on to the explanation on how to remove a Google account from the PC.Here is the procedure to successfully complete the operation:

  1. Vai alla pagina
  2. Clicca su “Dati e personalizzazione” nel menu laterale a sinistra
  3. Individua la sezione “Scarica o elimina i tuoi dati oppure stabilisci un piano per la loro gestione” e seleziona “Elimina un servizio o il tuo account”
  4. Clicca su “Elimina il tuo account” sotto il riquadro “Elimina il tuo account Google”
  5. Segui le indicazioni che ti verranno fornite da Google direttamente sullo schermo del computer per completare la cancellazione definitiva dell’account e di tutti i dati associati a esso

Important: if you have not already done it before, from the "Download or delete your data or establish a plan for their management" you can still download and export your data before deleting the account forever.To do this, click on "Export your data" in the "Download your data" box.

How can I delete a compromised Google account?

Have you decided to cancel the Google account after it was compromised by an attacker?Before doing it, we suggest you check through safety control which the violated parts were.In doing so, you can check any passwords to change, the contacts in the address book to be notified in case of suspicious messages and unauthorized payments through Google Pay.

For the rest, the procedure to be followed for the elimination of the account is the same described above (see in particular the chapters "Deleting Google Account definitively" and "How to delete a Google account from the PC")).

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