Once you have installed ADB on your system you can follow the signs to follow, with which you can precisely make the complete backup of your smartphone, which you can restore with a special command that we obviously reported at the end of the procedure.
Connettete il dispositivo al PC con Debug USB attivo e assicurarsi che il dispositivo sia riconosciuto con il comandoadb devices
At this point you can move to use the actual command.Immediately below the code with all the possible options, the so -called flags.
adb backup -f %path/name_file_backup.AB% [-APK | -Noapk] [-shared | -Noshared] [-all] [-System | Noststem] [-IncludekeeysValue] []
Let's go to see in detail now how to use this tool at best (the default command).
Permette di specificare il percorso ed il nome del file di backup (non dimenticate l'estensione .AB, fundamental for the future restoration).
Con il flag -apk potete includere, oltre ad i dati, anche il file pacchetto delle applicazioni installate.
Con questo flag è possibile includere il contenuto della scheda SD e/o della memoria interna.For safety, it is advisable to make a further backup aside, with a simple copy-paste.
Per includere tutte le app; da usare in caso non vogliate escludere nessuna app, neanche quelle di sistema.
Di default saranno incluse le applicazioni di sistema ma, sopratutto se state cambiando ROM, è consigliabile usare -nosystem.
With this flag you can include the data that apps save on their cloud such as personalized settings, save and other small data can be included in the backup (e.g..No games of games).
%Pacchetti name%
Use the last part of the command if you have to do the specific backup of some applications, excluding the others.
Un esempio di comando che dovrebbe andar bene in molti casi che include tutte le app, escluse quelle di sistema, con i relativi dati e con anche il contenuto della memoria interna/esterna:adb backup -apk -shared -all -nosystem -CinceKeyvalue -f %percorsofile/nome_file_backup.AB%
Once the command is launched from your computer, a guided procedure will appear on the smartphone that will allow you to start the backup in a few steps, also allowing you to protect it with a password.
In case you want to restore the data saved previously, just reconnect your smartphone to the PC or Mac, once again in USB debug mode, and use the following command, to be adapted according to the position of your backup file.
ADB RESTORE %path/name_file_backup.AB%
A screen similar to that of backup will appear that will allow you to start the process.In the end you will find all your applications and data exactly like at the time of backup.