Gaming smartphones for passionate gamers

Time: 12/Mar By: kenglenn 714 Views

Smartphone gaming was created for the so-called hardcore gamers, i.e. for those who want to play the best titles of the moment with their device at maximum performance and anywhere. Gaming smartphones are therefore born with a series of premium features for the game.

The determining elements that indicate whether a smartphone can have a gaming vocation are the screen refresh rate (refresh) and the touch sampling rate (Touch Sampling Rate). The first metric is measured in Hertz and indicates how many times per second the device screen refreshes the current image to create a sense of movement. So if the display of a smartphone has a refresh of 120 Hz it means that the image of the game is renewed 120 times per second. The higher the refresh, the smoother the game images are.

In contrast, the touch sample rate is the number of times in one second that a screen can detect user touch input. The higher this number, the more times per second the screen can register the touch, process it, and respond accordingly. This metric, also in Herz, is closely related to the latency index of a game, i.e. how much time passes, for example, from when I click to shoot to when the game actually fires. The higher the touch sample rate, the lower the latency, the faster the phone display will respond to the player's fingers.

The importance of 5G

Gaming smartphones for passionate gamers

In this regard, it should also be noted that there are more and more platforms for streaming games. This is going to recalibrate the technical characteristics needed for gaming smartphones. Having a 5G smartphone, therefore capable of transmitting considerable quantities of data necessary for streaming through the fifth generation network, will be a decisive element. In turn, the data network also carries with it a certain latency which adds up to that of the response of the display. The latency of 5G is significantly lower than that of 4G.

The need for a gaming smartphone is to have a processor with abundant computing power, but which is also energy-saving. This is linked to the need to have an optimized cooling system for both the processor and the battery. Battery which in turn must have good energy capacity. In fact, the best gaming smartphones exceed 5000 milliampere hours (mAh). It goes without saying, that the faster it is able to recharge, the better. Last but not least, it's better to abound with storage space. Here are 5 gaming smartphones that you don't expect, but with the right features to satisfy even the most avid gamers.