Goodbye to WhatsApp on these cell phones from 1 November

Time: 29/Jul By: kenglenn 677 Views

Starting from 1 November, the most used messaging app in the world, WhatsApp, will stop working on some phones if some procedures will not be followed to update your operating system.

What changes

Come riportato sull'area Faq della stessa app, alla voce Android-installazione e "Informazione sui dispositivi Android supportati", in fondo alle caratteristiche si legge una Nota: "WhatsApp non supporterà più i dispositivi Android con sistema operativo 4.0.4 and previous versions starting from 1 November 2021. Ti invitiamo a passare a un dispositivo supportato o a salvare la cronologia chat entro tale data".In practice, on devices with this operating system that have not been updated for at least 10 years (or that do not support new updates because they are now obsolete), the instant messaging app will stop working.

Situazione simile anche per i dispositivi iOS: “WhatsApp per iPhone necessita di iOS 10 o versioni successive“.Here too the same rule applies: either you update the phone with the most recent version, or you buy a new smartphone if you cannot be supported by older and most obsolete devices.

Addio a WhatsApp per alcuni telefonini. Ecco tutti gli smartphone banditi

Because it is a solved problem

Addio a WhatsApp su questi cellulari dall'1 novembre

In practice, these are devices dating back to 2012 and the people who use it are no longer many: despite the criticality, therefore, it will be a problem limited to a minority of users.The road is only one: if you cannot update, it is better to change smartphones.As reported by Computemagazine, the company has decided to proceed in this way because an old software on old generation phones costs money, investment and a lot of time.At this point, therefore, it is better to concentrate their energies on the most recent models.

How to save all chats

Those who cannot do without the app and buy a new smartphone, as will save all data (audio, video, etc..) contained in the app?Through the backup that is used to save the chat chronology: in reality, the default system is set to a backup to be carried out automatically and saved in the phone memory.Depending on the settings, the backup of WhatsApp chats can also be performed periodically on Google Drive.Those who want, however, uninstall the app from the phone and do not want to lose messages, you will have to ensure that you perform a manual chat backup before uninstalling the application.

Users are notified: a couple of weeks and will touch covering for cover if you want to continue using the American app purchased from Facebook in 2014 for the "Modica" figure of 19.3 billion dollars.