After months of restrictions and long periods of Lockdown, in view of the summer season, the expectation of Green Pass (or European digital Covid certificate) is growing.The ace in the sleeve of those who have been vaccinated, is negative to the buffer or is healed by Covid-19.The "green certificate" will in fact allow those who are in possession of one of the conditions just mentioned, to travel and circulate with greater freedom in the EU starting from next July 1st.
The Green Pass will indicate the state of health of European citizens and will be ready in mid -June, as the Prime Minister Mario Draghi specified at the press conference in Brussels at the end of the European Council.
But how is it possible to get the green pass?And what about minors is expected?How to download your certificate from the app and immune?And who does not have a good relationship with technology to who can contact?In the next paragraphs, we will try to see each other clearer and explain how Covid Pass works.
But let's proceed in order.
What is Green Pass?
Let's start with the definitions.The Green Pass (or Covid Pass) is a document certifying:
Together with the State Company Soii and the Ministry of Health, Italy is working on a platform on which all data on vaccines, tampons and reports will pass through.
The platform is necessary for the centralized management of the pass, with which in Italy it will be possible to enter the RSA, participate in weddings receptions and move from one country to another of the EU during the summer months.
Green Pass: How to download it?
As he specified on La Repubblica, Massimo Mangia (president of Federprivacy and among the pioneers of Italian digital health), accessing a special site, connected to the health card system, and by inserting the figures of the health card, deadline and a temporary code (OTP, One Time Password), corresponding to the certificate, users will be able to download the Green Pass as PDF, send it for e -mail or print it.
It will also be possible to carry out the same operation for minor children (inserting the codes of the health card and the password associated with their certificates).Once the certificate of their children has become available, the password will arrive on the parents' mobile phone.The same operation applies to adults, who will receive the temporary password of access to their certificates.
How long does it take to be entitled to the document?As specified in the first paragraph, the conditions for being entitled to Green Pass are three (vaccine, negative buffer, healing from Covid-19).Satisfied one of these requirements, the system generates the certificate and sends the temporary password to the interested party.
As an alternative to the site, citizens will be able to insert the disposable password on the immune app (we will talk about it better shortly) to download the certificate (their or that of the children).Massimo Mangia adds that "for the regions that allow it, it will be possible to do the same through electronic health files, also for their children".
Green Pass: how it works for those who do not use the Internet
And who does not have a good relationship with technology, how can he download the green pass?The government is preparing two alternative routes: it will be possible to contact doctors and pharmacists.Here's how it will work.
The doctor will be able to access the Health Card system with his credentials, after which he will insert the patient's tax code (even minor) and find the certificate (to download, print, send by e-mail) or can do it through the health fileelectronic assistance (if the latter provided his consent).
The pharmacist will also be able to access the health card system, inserting the compliance with the assistance and the temporary password.
Green pass with the app I
Users equipped with spid or electronic identity card (CIE) can resort to the use of the app to obtain the green pass.The steps to follow are simple and immediate.
In practice, those who have the right to the Green Pass, instead of accessing the site, will receive a notification directly on their smartphone.Just open the app, enter with the SPID or with the CIE and will find the pass, to be saved for direct access, even without internet connection and show it if necessary to the police.
Even children can have an electronic identity card, unlike the Spid, and will have the green pass on the app.
Green pass with immune
Among the alternatives to the study to obtain the Green Pass there is also the immune app, launched last year for contact tracing.
The user can enter one of the codes that will be sent or delivered, when the vaccine is administered, will make the buffer or will visit for the assessment of healing from Covid-19, and the number of health card.A QR-Code will thus be generated to be saved on your smartphone and/or printing.This code must be read with another app by the police or by those who will be enabled for control.
Green Pass: risk violation of privacy?
The green certificate will be equipped with a QR-Code to verify the validity of the pass at the time of its use.The citizen will have to show it together with an identity document.But what data will be displayed?And who will have to verify the validity of the green pass?Will the police be or will they also be private subjects?Let's imagine the cases in which we should return to Italy after a journey beyond national borders.Or we think of those hypotheses in which we intend to participate in a wedding, go to the disco, to enjoy tourist, hotel and transport services.
Another node to be dissolved is the following: how will citizens' data be treated?
In a nutshell, to avoid an eclacing violation of privacy, the guarantor for the protection of personal data would also like the data resulting to the verifier are relating to the validity or invalidity of the green pass and the reasons related to it do not appear (i.e. if ifThe citizen had Covid and healed or if he made the anti-covid vaccine, or even if he underwent a buffer and obtained a negative outcome).
These questions will answer the next decree.