Green Pass on Apple Wallet for iPhone and Watch: how to do it

Time: 14/Feb By: kenglenn 790 Views

Soon, the Green Pass will be very useful: it will have to be shown on several occasions. Having it on Apple Wallet, available with a click on iPhone and Watch, would certainly be very convenient. The alternative is to go and look for it every time among the photos in the gallery or open the Immuni or IO app.Green Pass on Apple Wallet for iPhone and Watch: how-to

Although this functionality is not officially there yet, thanks to a brilliant developer, it is already possible to do it and it is very simple. That's how.

Green Pass on Apple Wallet: here's how to do it

Apple Wallet is the virtual wallet that the giant with the bitten apple makes available for payment cards, tickets for various means of transport and more. The possibility of putting the Green Pass there will certainly be officially made available shortly, so that it is always available, with a click, on the iPhone and Apple Watch.

In the meantime, however, how can you get it right away? Very simple, follow these steps:

As you can see from the image below, my Green Pass has been added to Apple Wallet without problems and I can recall it in an instant from my iPhone or Watch.

Very easy, right?