How to print from Android smartphones, without PC, via Wi-Fi and USB

Time: 21/Jul By: kenglenn 770 Views

Come stampare da smartphone senza PC dunque senza dover per forza passare dal computer avanzando in tempo e fatica? La procedura è molto più semplice di quanto potrebbe sembrare visto che il sistema operativo Android è già predisposto di sua natura a collegarsi direttamente con le stampanti senza dover passare dal tramite del PC grazie a Google Print. L’iter si può portare a termine dall’app che si sta utilizzando in quel determinato momento sia essa il Browser per Internet così come il Visualizzatore PDF.Come stampare da smartphone Android, senza PC, via Wi-Fi e USB

However, many printers are not compatible with this technology and for this reason it is necessary to go to exploit expedients that may concern for example applications or external services that allow you to remedy the situation directly from the intelligent mobile phone, we do a little order.So let's see how to print from Android smartphones, without a PC, using Wi-Fi and USB with products from Google, Samsung, Huawei, Honor, Xiaomi, Redmi, little, OnePlus, Nokia, LG, Asus, Motorola, Sony,Oppo, Realme, Htc and Meizu.

What is and how Google Print works

There is a service called Google Print and that is the reference point to go to print from the smartphone without having to go to the computer.An integrated functionality (but can be downloaded from here if it is not present) that uses the Wi-Fi network as a bank to keep in the queue ready to be printed all the documents from the mobile device.

La stampante deve essere dotata di modulo Wi-Fi per sfruttare l’applicativo online Google Cloud Print passando dal browser Google Chrome per sistema operativo Windows oppure Mac. Serve solo l’utenza di Google, la stessa che si usa anche su Android. Per scoprire se la stampante sia compatibile, si deve visitare la pagina Stampanti cloud cercando produttore e modello. Se c’è allora è in grado di collegarsi al cloud e se appare la sigla “V2” allora è di tipo cloud 2.0, mentre se non è presente ma ha comunque il modulo Wi-Fi allora è possibile comunque configurarla. Se non ha rete Wi-Fi allora non c’è possibilità di proseguire.Come stampare da smartphone Android, senza PC, via Wi-Fi e USB

To configure a V2 type printer or cloud 2.0 Here is the procedure

  1. Apri Chrome sul PC;
  2. Digita “chrome://devices” e conferma;
  3. Cerca la tua stampante nella sezione “Nuovi dispositivi”;
  4. Seleziona Gestisci accanto alla tua stampante;
  5. Seleziona Registrati nella casella “Conferma registrazione”;
  6. Segui i passaggi infine clicca su Registrati oppure OK;
  7. Ora vai sul sito ufficiale sul computer e fai clic su Stampanti.

If the printer is cloud 1.0 then you must necessarily pass from the manufacturer's website with the instructions that can also be explained in the purchasing manual and/or by the installation CD.

How to configure Google Print

To configure the printer and associate it with your Google users for a direct and wireless print, you must follow the simple summary of the summary below:

  1. Fai accesso con l’account Google su Chrome;
  2. Seleziona il menu con i tre puntini in alto a destra;
  3. Seleziona le Impostazioni;
  4. Seleziona Mostra impostazioni avanzate;
  5. Seleziona Gestisci e Google Cloud Print;
  6. Clicca Aggiungi stampanti e seleziona la stampante di casa.

The game is done.From that moment, whenever you want to print and the printer will be connected to the net, you can take advantage of the smartphone by opening the app settings in use and selecting "print".For example from Google documents or from the PDF viewer or even by Chrome himself.

Google Print options

To use the Google Print app you can take advantage of all those commands that are usually accessible from the computer software relating to the printer.Therefore, once the printing control is selected, you can choose the number of copies, the paper format, if in color or not, the orientation and the pages to be printed.From the computer, connecting to the appropriate page the print queue appears.

It will also be possible to share your wireless printer with any guests at home or in the office for immediate printing without going to install anything.The very simple procedure:

  1. Apri Chrome;
  2. Accedi con la stessa utenza di Google usata in configurazione
  3. Visita sul sito ufficiale;
  4. Seleziona la stampante;
  5. Seleziona Condividi.
  6. Inserisci indirizzo Gmail o il gruppo Google con cui condividere la stampante.
  7. Clicca su Condividi

You can also raise a person or a group to the role of administrator by changing the privilege from can print to management privileges after point 6.

Print without PC with Mopp

If the computer has the Windows 10 operating system and at the time of the printing you cannot find the printer installation drivers then you can go from the free Mopo application that can be downloaded from Google Play and which allows you to bypass this impasse.The Mopo Print Service app can be started, scanning in search of the printer then add the printer (Epson, Canon, Samsung, Sharp, Toshiba, Kyocera, etc ...).

The other apps to print from the smartphone

It is also possible to exploit the proprietary applications of the various printers by downloading the most popular software such as:

Each has a different user interface, but what is shared is the possibility of being able to configure the print options with great precision.

Print photos from smartphones via external apps

There is also another option, namely to send the images or documents to be printed to external services, then receiving them comfortably at home.Of course, for a fee, but there are various free options.An interesting solution especially for those who want to have a physical and tangible collection of their "old style" photos.

In short, the possibilities are not lacking and it is not necessary to have to physically go to a shop, but just take advantage of these services from the Android smartphone or tablet.