Huawei does not yield: continue the business smartphone by circumventing the US ban (perhaps) -

Time: 09/Nov By: kenglenn 768 Views

Huawei continues to heavily undergo the negative consequences deriving from the trump administration ban first and then that allows you to do business with the US companies only after concession to the latter of a special license.Yet for the Chinese manufacturer the smartphone market continues to offer important earning opportunities, therefore it is not surprising that the company is looking for alternative ways to overcome restrictions.No, the reference in this case does not go to Harmonyos, but the possible decision of Huawei to fire the resources relating to the design of its smartphones to third parties, not subject to the limitations deriving from the US ban.

To report the news - not officially confirmed - is Bloomberg.According to the source, the Chinese giant is evaluating whether to grant licenses to Xnova, division of China Postal and Telecommunications Appliances Co.(PTAC), which is a Chinese state company operating in the smartphone sector.Xnova is actually already selling Huawei Nova smartphones on its e-commerce website, but if the agreement should go through, it could offer smartphones to its own brand made using Huawei's projects.TD Tech - Chinese manufacturer of telecommunications equipment - could also be of the game by purchasing the rights to propose smartphones with its own brand, but always based on the Huawei know -how.

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Huawei non cede: continuare il business smartphone aggirando il ban USA (forse) -

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The advantages of the operation are intuitive: Huawei at the moment cannot buy essential components to produce its smartphones, but could continue to earn through licenses;The fierce companies for their part would not meet the same limitations as Huawei: they could therefore buy the components from suppliers such as TSMC firsthand.Of course, to evaluate how profitable this solution is it would be useful to know the exact terms of the license agreements, but for now no significant details have been leaked: BlooMorg is limited to saying that the collaborations between Huawei and the aforementioned partners are subject to modification because they are still in progress.

The first estimates on the results of the operation speak of a total of 30 million smartphones that could be thus sold in 2022, a figure comprising both those produced directly by Huawei and those made by third parties under license.At the moment none of the parties called into question confirmed the Bloomberg report;Huawei, however, showed by selling Honor that the wall against wall with the United States is a strategy that does not pay.To survive you can be forced to withdraw, and the granting of licenses could be a valid way to apply the principle.That some change of pace is necessary to prevent all resources accumulated by Huawei in the smartphone sector from dispersing the market analyzes that testify how the Chinese company occupies increasingly marginal positions.According to the latest data from Counterpoint Research, in the third quarter of 2021 Huawei recorded a contraction in shipments on an annual basis of 84%.

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