Huawei launches his app gallery, which really doesn't disappoint

Time: 28/Oct By: kenglenn 707 Views

Ha dovuto camminare da sola, costretta dalle restrizioni degli Stai Uniti a cambiare radicalmente strategia per rimanere se non al pari, leggermente sotto i big della telefonia. Chi pensava che l’impossibilità di usare Google e altri funzionalità avrebbe messo in ginocchio Huawei, a quanto pare si sbagliava.Huawei lancia la sua App Gallery, che davvero non delude

A few too many malware and that radical change compared to the Google tradition made a little users turn up their noses, who did not follow the Chinese company company engaged in the development, production and marketing of products, systems and network solutionsand telecommunications, based in Shenzhen, Guangdong.

Yet Huawei has managed to develop his world around an "other" Google, or AppGallery capable in less than two years of growing so much so that it becomes the third largest app in the world, after play and App Store.

Half billion users have trusted Huawei

So Huawei Appgallery became the beating heart of the EMUI devices equipped with HMS.Appgallery was born from a life philosophy of Huawei to bring his modus operandi to his homeland, in the western world, without inventing anything transcendental, blindly believing in what he has always developed.

AppGallery è ovviamente installato in tutti i device di Huawei (smartphone ma anche tablet), ma anche disponibile per i dispositivi Android, per quegli utenti stanchi del duopolio Play Store-App Store. Alla fine, stringi, stringi, è solo una questione di abitudine, non ci vuole molto ad metabolizzare il cambiamento.Huawei lancia la sua App Gallery, che davvero non delude

The numbers confirm the winking of this sort of alternative Google: AppGallery is available in more than 170 countries, with over 120 thousand apps integrated in HMS Core, plus 12 thousand applications issued only in Italy, 4.5 million registered developers, 384, 4 billion downloads in the world in the year of the Coronavirus pandemic.

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Half a billion users have given confidence in Huawei, almost fifty million are European.The move to collaborate both globally and locally with the developers to propose something solid and lasting, is working.Among the banking apps used in Italy and present on Appgallery it amazes both the quantity of bodies of the Belpaese who have given credit to Huawei, and because these apps have been developed by exploiting HMS Core.Reading to believe: Agos, Banca d'Alba Mobile, Banca Generali, Banca Reale, Banca Sella, Bancaperta, ATM Pay, Bper Smart Mobile Banking, BPM, Buddybank, Connecta, Open, Findomestic, Fineco, Genertel, Hype, Insomaty, InBank, INPS Intesa Sanpaolo, Iwbank, Mediolanum, Mobile Banking Unicredit, Mycartabcc, Mygenerali, Nexi Pay, Noipa, RelaxBanking Mobile, Satispay, Sella, Tinaba, Ubi Banca, Gain, Webank, Widiba, Yap, Youpp.

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Even switching to a new smartphone has become easier with Phone Clone.You can easily transfer all the apps from the old device, together with photos, data and contacts.Just install the Phone Clone app and select "Old phone", then Tap on the same app of your new Huawei smartphone and select "New phone".And that's it.