Offers in evidence
TIM International Promo8.88 €/mesecon SOStariffe.IT TIM Wonder9.99 €/mesecon SOStariffe.IT TIM Wonder SIX9.99 €/mesecon SOStariffe.ITTIM is among the best mobile telephony operators even when IT comes to smartphones included.In the price list we find all the best models of large brands in the sector such as Apple, Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi and Oppo.The TIM Smartphone offers in installments include a constraint of permanence and in some even an advance.Who to choose to change the operator or deactivate the rate must however pay any residual installments in a single solution or continuing wITh the same installment and payment method.
TIM offers for smartphones: the proposals of November
TIM allows you to buy a smartphone in a single solution even wIThout recording a My TIM account.TIM Smartphone offers in installments are available only for those who are the customer of the operator also for the fixed network.It is possible to choose from many mobile telephony offers, also wITh unlimITed and 5G Gigabytes included.In the list there are also rates for young people, the elderly.Today there are also several Christmas promotions wITh discounted prices but only for the purchase of a phone in a single solution.
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The models to choose from for TIM Smartphone offers in installments are:
TIM allows you to pay in the following ways:
In addITion, IT is possible to enable and modify the automatic charge of the TIM invoice of the home line, on a bank account (banking rid).Delivery is free and you can monITor the status of your order through a special tracking service wITh a fixed MyTim sections or MyTim Mobile.Smartphones are delivered from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, indicatively on the following time slots: 8.30 - 12.30 and 14.00 - 18.00.The average delivery time takes place in 3-8 working days, starting from the date of online request.
TIM offers for Smartphone: fixed-motible promotions
Those who are already a TIM customer for the fixed network but not yet for mobile telephony can sign the following dedicated offer:
Tim Super Fix
The offer has a cost of 11.99 euros per month but wITh first month and free activation.The SIM has a cost of 25 euros wITh 20 euros of traffic.It is possible to pay by credIT card or directly to the courier, even in cash, at the time of delivery.
The plan is also included in the Plan.When the data traffic is exhausted in the plan, in the absence of another data option, IT is possible to continue navigating up to 1 GB at a price of 1.90 euros every 200 MB for a maximum amount of 9.50 euros.The user will receive an SMS when traffic is about to run out.
Annunci GoogleTim for fixed and mobile customers can activate TIM unique TIM and thus have unlimITed months every month for the telephones of the whole family (maximum 6 sim) and 3 months of Disney+ (then 9.99 euros per month).The package also includes Tim Safe Web Plus for the protection of all devices connected to the fixed network.WITh the only TIM, the payment of the mobile lines and the fixed one takes place comfortably wITh domiciliation in the bill thanks to TIM automatic recharge.
If, on the other hand, you have an active mobile plan wITh TIM and you want to swITch to the operator also for the connection of the house you are spoiled for choice.TIM offers different types of network depending on the coverage available.WITh the optical fiber in the FTTH (Fiber to the Home) variant, available in over 200 municipalITies, you can navigate up to 1 GigabIT per second in download thanks to the direct connection between the signal transmission station and the user's modem.Alternatively, the mixed fiber copper or FTTC (Fiber to the cabinet) is available up to 100/200 Mbps in download based on the distance of the home from the road cabin.If you are not reached by the optical fiber, you can always choose an FWA (Fixed Wirelss Access) or ADSL offer up to 20 Mbps.To verify the coverage you can use the appropriate tool of Sosteriffe wIThout any addITional cost.IT.
TIM's basic fiber optic offer is as follows:
1.Premium fiber
The offer has a cost of 29.90 euros per month with online activation. In caso di disattivazione della linea è previsto un addebITo di 30 euro mentre in caso di passaggio ad altro operatore la spesa è di 5 euro.The paper copy of the invoice is sent at home at a cost of 3 euros, excluding the first bill. Chiamando l’assistenza clienti al 187, accedendo all’Area Personale sul sITo o dall’app MyTIM è possibile richiedere l’invio gratuITo della fattura digITale.
ActivatePremium fiber »
Those who also want the best of television entertainment, between football, other sports, films, TV series and original productions, can instead activate:
2.Premium fiber con TIMVISION Gold
Premium Fibra with Timvision Gold has a cost of 29.99 euros per month for 3 months, then 29.99 euros per month until 30/9/22.The activation is 9.99 euros one -off plus 3 euros per month for 12 months already included in the monthly cost. Nel caso in cui si registrino problemi allo streaming è stato predisposto un canale di backup sul digITale terrestre in HD al 409.
Activate Tim Super Fibra with Timvision Gold »
Il TIMVISION Box è il decoder che permette non solo di guardare TIMVISION ma anche di accedere alle app più popolari come Disney+, Netflix, Prime Video, Youtube e a quelle di Google Play grazie al sistema operativo Android TV anche se non si dispone di una smart TV e su disposITivi mobili (smartphone e tablet iOS e Android).The vision is in full HD on maximum two terminals simultaneously.Content can also be downloaded for offline vision on phone or tablet.
Il TV box è compatibile con il nuovo standard del digITale terrestre DVBT2, il cui swITch è iniziato ufficialmente questa settimana, e consente anche consultare la di guida TV avanzata e navigare fra i programmi in onda e on demand. Con Chromecast integrato si può trasmettere video e musica dal telefono alla TV mentre con i comandi vocali si può accedere ai propri contenuti preferITi, meteo e le news del giorno utilizzando solo la voce. Per seguire lo stato di consegna del TIMVISION Box basta accedere all’Area Clienti MyTIM sul sITo o all’app MyTIM.
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