TIM VS Vodafone offers for the mobile phone: comparison of June 2021 Promotions

Time: 30/Jun By: kenglenn 862 Views

Offers in evidence

TIM International Promo8.88 €/mesecon SOStariffe.it Special 50 Digital Edition7.99 €/mesecon SOStariffe.it

Smartphone offers included are the best opportunity to buy a smartphone at the right price.These rates provide for a duration of duration from 24 to 30 months and the possibility of delaying the expense on multiple installments.Sometimes the manager also requires an advance, of variable entity depending on the desired model.In the event of early withdrawal, the customer must pay the residual installments in a single solution or with the same installment and payment method chosen previously.Vodafone and Tim are the first mobile telephony operators in Italy and allow you to choose from the best smartphone models of popular brands such as Apple, Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi and Oppo.So here are the pros and cons of the offers Tim cell phone and those of Vodafone.

Mobile TIM offers

Tim allows you to buy a phone with payment in a single solution even without recording a MyTim account.The device can be associated with different rates such as those of the new Tim Super family, which also include unlimited Gigabytes and free navigation on 5G network.

Minuti e SMSGigabytePrezzoAttivazioneSIMNote
TIM Super 4Gillimitati50 GB (25 GB con credito residuo)14,99 euro al mese9 euro online (19 euro per i già clienti)GratuitaTIMMUSIC incluso
TIM Super 5Gillimitati100 GB fino a 2 Gigabit al secondo (50 GB con credito residuo)19 euro al mese9 euro online (19 euro per i già clienti)GratuitaPriorità della rete (accesso privilegiato al 119)MultiSIM per condividere i GigaTIMMUSIC incluso
TIM Super Unlimited 5Gillimitati (250 minuti verso l’estero)illimitati fino a 2 Gigabit al secondo39,99 euro al meseGratuitaGratuitaPriorità della rete (accesso privilegiato al 119)MultiSIM per condividere i GigaTIMMUSIC incluso

TIM currently offers 5G coverage on 90% of the Milan area and allows you to navigate at maximum speed in some areas of the municipalities of Rome, Turin, Florence, Naples, Ferrara, Bologna, Genoa, Sanremo, Brescia and Monza and tourist resorts like CortinaD'Ampezzo, Livigno and Selva di Val Gardena.The 5G ON option can still be associated with other floors at a cost of 5 euros per month.

In all plans, the escort Giga service is also included.When the data traffic is exhausted in the plan, in the absence of another data option, it is possible to continue navigating up to 1 GB at a price of 1.90 euros every 200 MB for a maximum amount of 9.50 euros.The user will receive an SMS when traffic is about to run out.

Offerte TIM VS Vodafone per il cellulare: confronto promozioni di Giugno 2021

Compare TIM offers »

TIM allows you to pay in the following ways:

In addition, it is possible to enable and modify the automatic charge of the TIM invoice of the home line, on a bank account (bank rid).Delivery is free and you can monitor the status of your order through a special tracking service with a fixed MyTim sections or MyTim Mobile.Smartphones are delivered from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, indicatively on the following time slots: 8.30 - 12.30 and 14.00 - 18.00.The average delivery time is between 3 and 8 working days, starting from the date of online request.

However, if we talk about mobile TIM offers, to buy a telephone in installments, you must necessarily be customers of the operator also for the fixed line.It is possible to choose from the following models:

If you are still not TIM customers for the fixed network you can choose from many Internet home offers based on the coverage available to your address.To verify it you can use the special free tool of Sosteriffe.it.The Fiber Optical Offer Basic TIM is as follows:

TIM Super Fibra

The offer has a cost of 29.90 euros per month until 24/7/20.In case of deactivation of the line, a charge of 30 euros is provided while in the event of a passage to another operator, the expense is 5 euros.The paper copy of the invoice is sent at home at a cost of 3 euros, excluding the first bill.By calling customer support to 187, by accessing the personal area on the site or from the MyTim App it is possible to request the free sending of the digital invoice.

To the offer you can add the rental of the Timvision Box at a cost of 3 euros per month.The decoder is necessary to access Timvision's contents in the event that the appropriate app is not compatible with the Smart TV.The software is available for Samsung Smart TV (2014 and subsequent models), LG Smart TV with webos operating system, Hisense smart TV and Android smart TV.

The world entertainment package allows you to have Disney+, Timvision Plus and a standard Netflix plan at the price of 14 euros per month.The Timvision Box is included until the offer is maintained, then 3 euros per month if not deactivated.

To the rate it is also possible to add the certified Wi-Fi, which provides for the home intervention of a TIM technician to optimize the wireless signal in every corner of the house, and the TIM Safe Web Plus safety platform for the protection of alldevices connected to the network at a cost of 6 euros per month.

Annunci Google

Activate TIM Super Fibra »

Those who are already a TIM customer for mobile telephony and subscribe Tim Super Fibra can also activate TIM unique TIM and thus have unlimited Gigabytes for smartphones from the whole family every month (maximum 6 SIM) and also 3 months of Disney subscription+ included.

Until 30/9/21, Tim Myhealth is also provided in the package to have an insurance policy with H24 medical assistance without any renewal.The offer provides:

With the only TIM, the payment of the mobile lines and the fixed one takes place comfortably with domiciliation in the bill thanks to TIM automatic recharge.

Vodafone mobile offers

Vodafone, unlike TIM cell offers, does not place particular conditions for the purchase of a smartphone in installments.Indeed, the British provider allows you to associate a top of the range device with many of its rates, which also include unlimited and 5G Gigabytes included.Among all the best for the possibility of choosing models and composition of the mobile plan are those of the Infinito Smartphone Edition family, which can be signed only in the shop as well as providing only the payment by credit card and an activation cost of 9.99euro one -off.

By choosing Smart Pay, i.e. automatic charge on current account or credit card, you get a discount on the monthly promotion cost.Vodafone currently offers 5G coverage in the municipalities of Milan, Turin, Bologna, Rome, Naples, Genoa, Bergamo, Brescia, La Spezia, Monza, Novara, Verona, Padua, Parma, Rimini, Trento, Trieste, Venice, Florence, Cagliari, Prato, Palermo, Bari, Catania and Reggio Calabria.

Minuti e SMSGigabyteCosto mensileAttivazioneSIMNote
Infinito Gold Editionillimitati (300 minuti in roaming in in USA, Canada, Monaco e tanti altri Paesi)illimitati (2 GB in roaming in Ue – velocità fino a 10 Megabit al secondo in 5G)29,99 euro con Smart Pay (altrimenti 39,99 euro)6,99 euro se si consumano 575 euro di ricariche (22,5 euro per i già clienti di Vodafone)GratuitaTOP Service (accesso privilegiato al 190) incluso
Infinito Black Editionillimitati (500 minuti in roaming in in USA, Canada, Monaco e tanti altri Paesi)illimitati (5 GB in roaming in Ue – velocità fino a 1 Gigabit al secondo in 5G)39,99 euro con Smart Pay (altrimenti 59,99 euro)6,99 euro se si consumano 575 euro di ricariche (22,5 euro per i già clienti di Vodafone)GratuitaTOP Service (accesso privilegiato al 190) incluso

Compare Vodafone offers "

In all offers are also included:

It is possible to choose between:

For all phones, Kasko Full insurance is included for 18 months.It is also possible to add Apple Watch SE or Apple Watch Series 6 starting from 13.99 euros per month.The devices are only available in the shop.One Number, an offer necessary to call and surf the smartwatch, is included for 3 months, then 3 euros per month instead of 5 euros per month.

Screen Protection (screen repair in case of shocks or contacts with liquids) is included with Xiaomi products for 12 months.The Kasko Full insurance is instead included for 12 months with Samsung, Huawei and Oppo devices.

With the Infinito Smartphone Edition offers, regardless of the chosen model, the Red Care service that includes:

Screen protection and Kasko Full are included for 12 months and include only one intervention per year.To activate Red Care you must click on the appropriate link received via SMS within 15 days of the purchase.To request assistance, you can access the reserved area on RIVCARCA.KASKOMOBILA.it or by calling the toll -free number 800.85.75.75 every weekday, from Monday to Sunday, from 8 to 20. The service is automatically deactivated.

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