Vodafone promotion with mobile phone: the offers of July 2021

Time: 25/Jun By: kenglenn 742 Views

Offers in evidence

Special 50 Digital Edition7.99 €/mesecon SOStariffe.it Shake it fun11.99 €/mesecon SOStariffe.it Shake it easy14.99 €/mesecon SOStariffe.it

Buying a new mobile phone is your goal, but are the costs of the new devices are prohibitive compared to your pockets?There are smartphone offers included that can help you find a solution.In this guide we discover the telephone rates including Vodafone in July.

This category of promotions is very convenient if you want to buy a new 5G model.These cell phones are decidedly more expensive than previous devices.In addition, if you activate one of the Vodafone offers that allows you to access the new generation network you will have the opportunity to use one of the best 5G connections currently active in Italy.

Vodafone promotion with mobile phone, how they work

With the British manager they are available or plans to 24 installments or 30 installments.Even if you are not bound to stay with the provider for the entire period you will still have to pay the remaining installments necessary to complete the payment of the mobile phone.Furthermore, it is good that you carefully read the conditions set by Vodafone before deciding to cancel your promotion.

One of the less read clauses in infinite contracts is the one that concerns activation costs, the cost is often zeroed or reduced to a few euros.However, there is a condition behind this reduction, you must recharge a certain amount during the life span (as we will see in the following table).

The most interesting promotions for all customers who are looking for 5G packages are infinite rates.They are plans with higher canons of the mobile offers spread in this period, but they allow you to have unlimited Giga.If you want to make the most of the speed of 5G Vodafonedovo you will sign the infinite Black 39.99 euros with Smart Pay (otherwise 59.99 euros).To have the alternative with unlimited Giga cheaper than Vodafone, the fee is 24.99 euros, always with Smart Pay otherwise it will cost you 36.99 euros.

Minuti e SMSGigabyteCosto mensileAttivazioneSIMNote
Infinitoillimitati200 minuti in USA, Canada, Monaco e altri 60 Paesiillimitati1 GB in roaming in Uevelocità massima fino a 2 Megabit/s in 5G24,99 euro con Smart Pay (altrimenti 36,99 euro)6,99 euro se si consumi 384 euro di ricaricheGratuitaTOP Service (accesso privilegiato al 190)
Infinito Gold Editionillimitati300 minuti in roaming in in USA, Canada, Monaco e tanti altri Paesiillimitati2 GB in roaming in Uevelocità fino a 10 Megabit/sin 5G29,99 euro con Smart Pay (altrimenti 39,99 euro)6,99 euro se si effettui almeno 575 euro di ricariche22,5 euro se sei già cliente VodafoneGratuitaTOP Service (accesso privilegiato al 190) incluso
Infinito Black Editionillimitati500 minuti in roaming in in USA, Canada, Monaco e in altri Paesi esteriillimitati5 GB in roaming in Uevelocità fino a 1 Gigabit/s in 5G39,99 euro con Smart Pay (altrimenti 59,99 euro)6,99 euro se ricarichi 575 euro prima di disattivare l’offerta22,5 euro per i già clienti di VodafoneGratuitaTOP Service (accesso privilegiato al 190) incluso

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Promozione Vodafone con cellulare: le offerte di Luglio 2021

Top Service will offer you a dedicated team available at any time for you when you contact Vodafone assistance.Once you submit the support request you will be contacted within a minute.Alternatively, it is possible to obtain assistance via chat 24 hours a day or by asking your question the Tobi digital assistant.

The new generation network of Vodafone can be used if you live or if you are in one of these municipalities: Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Cagliari, Catania, Florence, Genoa, La Spezia, Milan, Monza, Naples, Novara, Padua,Palermo, Parma, Prato, Reggio Calabria, Rome, Rimini, Turin, Trento, Trieste, Venice and Verona.If you activate infinite promotions, the 5G will be available as soon as it is active in the area, if you have a non -5G offer you can buy the 5G start option, at a cost of 5 euros per month, and move on to navigation on the upper network.

Which mobile phones you can buy with these offers Vodafone

In the list of mobile phones that Vodafone allows you to buy with 24 -month or 30 months installments there are the Apple, LG, Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo and Samsung models.

If you want to buy the latest iPhone model here are the proposed conditions and how many installments are necessary to have it:

If, on the other hand, you are looking for a new Samsung, maybe what opens like a book with a double display, here's what Vodafone offers you:

Annunci Google

Too expensive?Then you can evaluate one of the Xiaomi or Huawei:

If these are not even for you, there are also the oppos:

These packages for 30 months have not been the only ones that Vodafone offers you, you can also evaluate its alternatives for 24 months.These solutions require an initial advance.

With all the iPhones that are included in the smartphone offers included you can have the Kasko Full insurance for 18 months, it is a complete protection or loss protection for your device.If at the standard cost Add 13.99 euros per month you can also have an Apple Watch SE or Apple Watch Series 6.

With Xiaomi products, Screen Protection (screen repair in case of shocks or contacts with liquids) has a gift for the first year of offer).With Samsung, Huawei and Oppo you will have the Kasko Full insurance but only for 12 months.

These services are part of the Red Care option that the manager dedicates to his clients infinite.

The other Vodafone offers with smartphones

There are not only so expensive packages that they allow you to have access to the 5G and the purchase plans in installments of your new mobile phone.For the youngest or for those who do not want to exceed 19 euros of monthly expenditure there are Red Digital and Shake It Easy.

Here is a table that summarizes the conditions of these two offers:

Minuti e SMSGigabyteCosto mensileAttivazioneNote
RED Digital Editionillimitati40 GB anche in 5G18,99 euro al mese con Smart Paycon rinnovo su credito residuo 24,99 euro6,99 euro se si consumi 269 euro di ricaricheGiga illimitati per chat, social network, mappe e musica
Shake it Easy (solo per under 30)illimitati60 GB anche in 5G10 GB in roaming in Ue14,99 euro con Smart Pay6,99 euroTIDAL Premium incluso per 12 mesi (poi 8,99 euro al mese)Giga illimitati per chat, social network, mappe e musicaVodafone Power Gaming incluso

Here are also some examples of the costs to buy Vodafone mobile phones with 24 installments solutions:

Free and paid services for Vodafone customers

Whatever your Vodafone plan you can count on a series of services that the manager will activate free of charge on your phone number.It will then be up to you to decide whether and when to use them, they are options for which you will pay only the real use of the functions.

Smart Passport+ is the option for your trips abroad.This service will guarantee you, in the face of a payment of 3 or 6 euros per day, up to 60 minutes, 60 SMS and 500 MB per day in the Extra European Union countries and the United States.The cost will be climbed by your credit only if you use the services.

Then there is the SMS return receipt, it is a function that warns you if the messages you have sent do not arrive at your destination within 48 hours.The service will cost you 0.25 euros for SMS.

Among the other options activated automatically and without costs there are:

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