What to do if the smartphone keyboard does not work

Time: 27/Jan By: kenglenn 794 Views

ANDROIDCosa fare se non funziona la tastiera dello smartphone

Sometimes the Android smartphone keyboard can make some bizarre.Here are some tricks that allow you to solve Gboard's best known problems


Do you know what the smartphone app you use several times a day is every day?It's not Facebook, it's not WhatsApp and even YouTube or Gmail: it's the keyboard app.Yes, because even the keyboard, in Android smartphones, is managed by an app that remains active for as long as the phone remains on.

It happens, for this reason, that every now and then the app has some problems and that we cannot correctly type the characters and words we want.The most used keyboard on Android is Google Gboard and, fortunately, it usually works without problems.How to do it, though, when Gboard doesn't work?Usually you can resolve the malfunction of the keyboard by acting by two ways: the first consists in deleting the data of the app, restarting the smartphone or only the app in order to restart it in a cleaner environment, the second consists instead of actingon the settings of the language (or languages) of text entry.Here are some useful tips to make the Android keyboard work again.

Restore Gboard by acting on the app and Android

The first thing to do, if Gboard does not work or makes tantrums, is to restart the smartphone to restart the Android operating system also.It is the most banal thing, but very often it is enough and advances to bring everything back right.Otherwise we must go to act on the settings of the app. Andiamo su Impostazioni > App e notifiche e cerchiamo l’app di Gboard, facciamo tap su di essa e poi scegliamo “Spazio di archiviazione e cache“.Here we can empty the cache, which often makes the app work again.If not even like this, we can try to force the closure of the app or to uninstall the updates: from the same screen of the app we find the button to force it, while from the menu with the three dots we can choose "uninstall updates".Finally, if none of this works, we can uninstall Gboard and reinstall it.

Configure the language to make Gboard work

Then there is another series of maneuvers that we can do to make Gboard work.It is a matter of entering the settings of the language and select Gboard as app to write. Andando su Impostazioni > Sistema > Lingue e immissione possiamo scegliere quale app di tastiera usare per ogni lingua installata. Scegliamo l’italiano e poi Tastiera virtuale > Gestisci tastiere.Here we will find Gboard as a predefined keyboard, but we can also find others that we didn't even know we have installed: either he installed the manufacturer of the smartphone, or they were "tribute" with some other apps.We deactivate them all and leave only Gboard active: if there was a conflict between keyboards we will have resolved it.