Whatsapp: hidden tricks, secrets and functions

Time: 17/Nov By: kenglenn 759 Views

Ha oltre un miliardo di utenti attivi ogni giorno ed è diventato d’uso così comune che ormai nessuno dice più «Ti ho mandato un messaggio» (o un Sms), ma direttamente «Ti ho mandato un WhatsApp». Nonostante i concorrenti apparsi negli anni, WhatsApp resta la regina delle app di instant messaging. Alla sua posizione hanno contribuito la primogenitura (è stata la prima app a cambiare davvero il modo in cui gli uten- ti degli smartphone si inviano messaggi), il continuo sviluppo, nonché il passaggio sotto l’egida di Facebook e la decisione di lasciar cadere il piccolo canone inizialmente richiesto.Whatsapp: trucchi, segreti e funzioni nascoste

Send and receive messages, and even calls, is easy.However, not everyone really knows how to fully use the app, which contains some hidden or quatomenous functions not widely advertised.So let's see what are the best tricks and secrets of WhatsApp, from the simplest to the most curious, and we will also take a look at the news that the near future has in store.

WhatsApp: format the text

For some time now WhatsApp has evolved beyond sending simple text.By adding some, simple characters directly within the text that is being typed it is in fact possible to change the formatting of the text itself, transforming it into bold or it in italics or barrier.This is the same trick that the textbooks for PC for many years have for many years: to activate the bold, it is sufficient to enclose the text between two asterisks;To activate the italics, the text must instead be placed between two underworks (i.e. the low dash _);To bar them, it is instead necessary to use the tilde character (~).

WhatsApp: mark the message as important

Conversations on WhatsApp, especially those that take place in groups, quickly risk filling with dozens of messages.In these cases it is difficult to find that specific message that contained that so important information (maybe a link, or an address).Fortunately, it is possible to indicate some texts as important not to lose them in the mass, a bit like you do with the bookmarks (or "favorite") of browsers.To do this, you need to hold your finger on the message in question until, in the upper part of the screen, a menu composed of symbols will appear.Among the voices of this menu there will be a star: by pressing it, the message will be marked as important.The operation is also possible from WhatsApp Web, clicking on the small down arrow placed on the right of each message and choosing the important message item item.To recover the messages thus indicated (by accessing a sort of list of bookmarks, to continue the analogy with browsers), instead you need to open the menu and choose the item important messages.

Who are your best friends on WhatsApp?

If you are curious to know which are your best friends on WhatsApp, those you chat most frequently, you can do it by using two functions originally designed for anything else. Se usate un iPhone, dovete aprire il percorso Impostazioni>Utilizzo dati e Archivio >Utilizzo Archivio.Here you will see a list of contacts ordered based on the space occupied on the phone;By touching each contact you can see the details, such as the number of messages exchanged or the images.For Android users the procedure is a little different. Dopo aver aperto il menù, il percorso da seguire è Impostazioni>Chat >Cronologia chat>Invia chat via email.The screen that will open at this point is designed to choose the conversation to be sent by e -mail but in the high part shows the contacts with which we exchanged the highest number of messages.

The blue ticks of WhatsApp

The introduction of blue tickles (officially known as confirmation of reading) in WhatsApp has allowed users not only to know if a message actually managed to reach the recipient's smartphone but even if he read it.However, the most punctilious could want to know what time that message has been delivered or open.WhatsApp allows you to satisfy this curiosity too.IPhone users must support your finger on the message and scroll it to the left (Swipe).Android users must instead keep their finger on the message until a menu appears in the upper part, among which it is easy to recognize the icon- a "i" circled- which allows you to obtain the desired information.

The blue ticks of WhatsApp: come disattivarle

The blue tickles don't like privacy lovers: why are they wondering - my friends should need to know if I read their messages?Fortunately, blue ticks can be deactivated. Basta aprire il menu Impostazioni>Account>Privacy e scorrere la schermata fino in fondo, per togliere poi il segno di spunta posto a fianco della dicitura Conferme di lettura.In doing so, friends will no longer be able to know when we will read their messages.The downside, however, is that even we will not be more able to do the same, and we will never know if friends have actually read our messages.

Groups: sometimes they are annoying

Those who participate in more than one WhatsApp group know that there are days when the rhythm of the messages is frantic.WhatsApp programmers must have realized them and have introduced a function that allows you to "silence" a conversation: in other words, even if any sound will be reproduced in that chat, nor will vibration be activated.To take advantage of this function, in Android you have to keep your finger pressed on the chat that affects and, when appearing the menu at the top, select the icon with the barred speaker.IPhone users will have to open the conversation and touch the name of the contact or group, then choose the silence item.In both cases it is possible to silence a chat for 8 hours, for a week, or for a whole year.

Photos, videos and much more

WhatsApp is not only used to converse;Indeed, there are many users who communicate almost exclusively by sending photographs, movies, audio clips and, more recently, also documents.The problem is that all these media have a certain weight and their reception can have a not indifferent incidence on data traffic which, in general, is limited by the tariff plan.To avoid consuming all the Giga available, you can decide to limit the types of multimedia content that are downloaded when using the mobile network. A questo scopo è necessario, sia in iOS che in Android, aprire il menu e seguire il percorso Impostazioni>Utilizzo dati.In the next screen it will be possible to choose which media to download in different conditions: if the mobile connection is active, if the Wi-Fi connection is active or if you are in roaming.To talk to more friends at the same time, WhatsApp provides groups: a single conversation in which all participants see every message.But it can happen that you want to send a message to multiple friends without having to create a group: this is exactly the purpose of the Broadcast function.By selecting new broadcast from the main menu, a list of possible recipients is proposed, just as if you were creating a new group.Once the selection is completed, it will be possible to send everyone the desired message, but each will see him as if he had been sent to him only.

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Change or hide the WhatsApp profile photo

WhatsApp users are generally proud of the photo they choose for their profile.Many take care to change it often in agreement with the mood of the moment, the place where they are spending the holidays, the famous person who prefer.Sometimes, however, you might want to hide your profile image, without definitively erase it.Or make it visible to the contacts but not to the strangers who somehow get our number but have not yet added to the contacts. I creatori di WhatsApp hanno previsto anche questa possibilità: è necessario aprire il menù e seguire il percorso Impostazioni >Account>Privacy>Immagine del profilo.In the next screen it is possible to choose whether it is visible to everyone, only to contacts or nobody.

A shortcut to chat

The need is said to be the mother of the inventions, but probably also laziness has a role in all this.For example, we think of the operations necessary to chat with a contact: you must open WhatsApp, look for the contact in question, select it, and finally you can start writing.Exhausting.To speed up the entire operation, you can create a shortcut to put on the home screen of the smartphone: at that point it will be enough to touch it to start conversing.Doing it is not complicated: in the screen that proposes the list of chats, the finger pressed on the conversation for which you want to create a shortcut until the menu at the top.At that point the menu icon is selected (the one with the three dots arranged vertically) and select Add connection to the chat.A short message informing the fact that the operation was successful.

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How to show the most important chats in another

The order of the chats in the main screen of WhatsApp is defined by the last message sent or received: the most recent of these brings the relative conversation high.However, it is also possible to decide to always keep some specific chats in the first positions of the list, for example the particularly important ones that it is good that are not swallowed by the Gorgo of all conversations.The procedure is simple: the finger pressed on the chat that affects and, when appearing the menu in the upper part of the screen, the stap -shaped icon is selected.The chat will jump in first position and earn the dotting icon just below the temporal indication of the last message;A short note will inforce the Fact that now the conversation has been "set".


"I am coming" writes the friend who for a good half hour have been waiting for out of the cinema, while it rains and the best places should be exhausted.It would be nice to be sure that it is really on the street and not yet appreciated on the sofa.If patience is running out and you don't ask yourself the problem of being a little too direct, instead of sending a banal "But where are you?"You can ask him to send us the position.The friend must do nothing but click on the scratch -shaped icon placed in the box where the answers are normally typed, and which also serves to insert the attachments in the conversation.From the next screen you have to choose position.The phone will detect the position and offer the option Send your current position, but also the possibility of choosing between a series of nearby places.

Delete a message already sent from WhatsApp

WhatsApp is continuously evolving software and often these evolutions are guided by what users ask for users.One of the most insistent requests is the one that concerns the possibility of deleting the messages sent, indispensable to avoid bad figures when you realize that you have the wrong recipient or to follow up on the last minute rethinking.Already from summer whatsapp had started preparing its servers to perform this function and has now made it available with an app update.If you regret a message sent, you can delete it exactly how you delete it from your smartphone.But only within 7 minutes from his sending.

If you hold your finger on the message in question and, from the menu that appears, the basket icon is selected.At this point you can choose one of the three voices: "Eliminate for me" or "Eliminate for everyone".However, the operation will not be without consequences: in the chat there will be a track, in the form of the writing "This message has been deleted".
