Android, watch out for the background: an image sends the smartphone to tilt

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3 giugno 2020 - 09:45

A mountain panorama has created many problems for several users, whose devices immediately crashed.Two ways to solve: hard reset or safe mode

Dialessandro Vinci


A placid mountain lake, trees all around and the last rays of sun filtering in the clouds at sunset.A suggestive and relaxing landscape, perfect for being set as the background of the phone.However, those who tried to do it on a device with Android 10 stuck in an unpleasant surprise: the smartphone crash.A total block with flashing screen apparently impossible to solve.Many, in the last few hours, have been lavish on social networks to spread the alarm.As many who have tried to discover the reason for the strange phenomenon.

I dettagli

After several hypotheses it emerged that the problem is to be traced back to the dynamic range of the image, which presents a Google Skia color profile.Android 10, on the other hand, works with the SRGB standard.The stall therefore arises when the system tries to convert photography, evidently without success.Victims of the bug, to what emerged, devices of all brands: from Samsung to Nokia, from Xiaomi to OnePlus, to Google's pixels.Huawei, on the other hand, as Android Authority reports "seems to be less vulnerable".Better, however, avoid checking firsthand.

Android, occhio allo sfondo: un’immagine manda in tilt lo smartphone

There are any good news anyway.Although it is necessary to avoid setting it as a wallpaper, it has in fact discovered that the landscape does not create any type of inconvenience if stored in Google photos or when opened after being received by email.In addition, some sites, such as the Chinese Weibo, compress the image in a format compatible with the background of Android 10, thus making a possible download safe.Others, like Twitter, instead no.Finally, nothing anomalous was recognized by those who have the beta version of Android 11, which evidently manages the process in a different way.Waiting for its release, however, it is necessary that Google intervene quickly with an update of the Skia bees.The "offending" shot, in fact, in all probability may not be the only one in circulation capable of causing the bug.For the moment, however, Mountain View has not issued any communication on the matter.

Come risolvere

Without prejudice to the previous indications, if the options available to resolve the block are affected by the crash are only two: carrying out a hard reset restoring the factory conditions (but losing all the data) otherwise - less drastic solution - delete photography by accessingin safe mode.Restart the smartphone, in fact, it is useless.However, if you really don't want to do without the most dangerous background on the web, before setting it it is good to remember to change the characteristics of the photo through an editing software or make a screenshot directly.

3 giugno 2020 (modifica il 3 giugno 2020 | 09:45)

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