DDAY.IT DDAY.it "Amazon suppresses the competition by imposing prices".The giant mentioned in the USA

Time: 18/Nov By: kenglenn 750 Views


The battle between the technology multinationals and the regulatory entities move to Washington. A poche ore dall’ultima udienza del processo che vede contrapposte Epic e Apple, il procuratore generale di Washington Karl Racine ha citato in giudizio Amazon per concorrenza sleale e abuso della posizione dominante.To be precise, the electronic commerce giant has been accused of suffocating competition by imposing impossible conditions for the same sellers he hosts on his marketplace.Third sellers, therefore who sells through Amazon, cannot have on their site (or other sites) more advantageous prices than those that are offered through Amazon.

In reality Amazon in 2019 had already been pinched on the matter, and had removed some clauses from the contract that could lead precisely to the distortion of prices. Secondo il procuratore, tuttavia, queste clausole sarebbero state re-incorporate nella nuova politica di prezzo dell’azienda, quella che dovrebbe definire i prezzi equi di un prodotto.Price that, however, to be fair and suitable for Amazon, must have particular requirements.


"Amazon's policies prevented competing platforms, including vendors' websites, to compete on the price and earn market shares," said Karl Racine in a press conference.The reference obviously not only for direct sellers sites, but also for the other sites that should compete with Amazon.Often the sellers who use the marketplace of the Seattle giant also use other portals to convey and advertise their goods to the best, but according to the Amazon prosecutor would prevent them from practicing other better prices or promoting promotional sales."The loss of competition translates into less innovation", closes the prosecutor.

The cause was presented at the Washington Superior Court and the prosecutor asked for a revision of Amazon's policies and contracts relating to prices, those who according to the accusation put the same sellers to the narrow that on the one hand cannot give up Amazon,Too big not to be there, on the other they are also forced to give up sales on other platforms because the price is not competitive.