Galaxy Note 8 at the end of the race: Stop to updates -

Time: 08/Sep By: kenglenn 720 Views

Galaxy Note 8 retires: four years after its debut on the market (here you can find our review) ends the official support for a smartphone that for Samsung - and for consumers in general - has had an important weight.For the Korean company, first of all, called at that time to get up after the flop of Note 7, but also for the market, which immediately welcomed him with particular heat.

The end of the support means that not only will it not only receive new versions of the operating system - here the hopes had already gone disappeared at the beginning of last year - but from now on it will not even be updated with the security patches after the passage from the monthly to the quarterlya year ago.Galaxy Note 8 had been launched with Android 7.1.1, and the last release is Pie 9.0, released in February 2019.There will not even be the transition to semester updates: those who still have one, will therefore have to settle for the current firmware.


We recall the technical characteristics of Galaxy Note 8 in a nutshell:

Galaxy Note 8 a fine corsa: stop agli aggiornamenti -

If you want to know more, in Fonte you can find the updated list of the updates that Samsung releases on its devices (smartphones and tablets) divided between monthly, quarterly and half -yearly.And, as you can see well, Galaxy Note 8 is not in any of the three categories.

Samsung Galaxy Note 8: la nostra recensione1408

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Samsung Galaxy Note 8 è disponibile sua 704 euro.
(aggiornamento del 05 gennaio 2022, ore 05:37)
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