Green pass also on the apps and immune: how to download the green certificate

Time: 27/Jan By: kenglenn 756 Views

It will be easier to get the Green Pass Covid: from the electronic health file to the apps and immune, there will be more channels and you can also download via general practitioner, pediatrician or pharmacist.For those who do not have spid there will be a code sent by email or sms - combined with the last 8 digits and the expiry of the health card.The recovery decree in force provides for it today.

The Regions must transmit to the ad hoc portal managed by Sogei the data of the citizens to whom "at least one dose of vaccine" was administered ".The certificates of the swabs and those of healing will also be available.

The decree confirms that the national platform for the issue and validation of Covid Verdi Certifications is managed by Sogei and created through the Health Card system.The platform, explains the technical report of the provision, will make use of the health card system for data collection, which the TS system already receives, in implementation of the emergency rules.

Green pass anche sulle app Io e Immuni: come scaricare il certificato verde

In detail, these are the data of the vaccinations collected by the National Registry vaccines and the data of the antigenic and molecular tampons, to which will now also be added "the collection of healing certificates" with "a new functionality" of the system.

The National-DGC platform will produce the Covid-19 green certification for vaccination/buffer/healing that will be included in the assistant electronic healthcare file (ESF) but a dedicated web front-end will also be created.

The Covid-19 green certification can also be downloaded through the government apps (App I and IMMUN APP) as well as, always specifies the technical report, through intermediaries such as general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice and pharmacists, through the health card portal.To "do not discriminate" those who do not yet have digital identity "there are also use channels with authentication to several factors such as: last 8 digits and expiry date of the health card and a unique code.This unique code must be delivered to the interested parties by e -mail or SMS ".

The technical report estimates in "100 million" the number of SMS to be sent for the delivery of the unique codes associated with the Verdi Covid-19 certifications.