How to talk to a Vodafone operator without Tobi?

Time: 18/Dec By: kenglenn 723 Views

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Customer assistance is one of the most important factors for any business, especially for companies in the mobile telephony sector.In fact, operators must provide detailed information on the available offers and including services and support in case of problems or doubts from the administrative and technical side.Over the years the assistance platforms have been automated, even for a matter of costs.Fortunately, the evolution of artificial intelligence has made it possible to create virtual assistants capable of providing precise and punctual support.

Vodafone's virtual assistant is called Tobi and thanks to automatic learning (machine learning) it is able to learn from users' questions to provide a more efficient service.It is possible to ask Tobi any type of question that concerns the costs of the offers, safety, apps, payments and further details on the operator network.The virtual assistant offers support for both fixed and mobile customers and is integrated into the My Vodafone app and on the provider website.Not only that, you can interact with Tobi also via WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, advanced Android messaging and Alexa of Amazon.

Vodafone's virtual assistant is effective for solving the main doubts of users but not all of them are comfortable to interact with a bot and they would prefer to obtain assistance from a person in flesh and blood.So how to talk to a Vodafone operator without Tobi?Fortunately, the operator always allows you to receive support from an expert.

How to speak with Vodafone operator without Tobi

Come parlare con un operatore Vodafone senza TOBi?

All Vodafone assistance channels, at least initially, include interaction with Tobi.At the time of contact with the operator you can then make your request only to the virtual assistant.To be able to speak with a human operator from a phone or via chat you must therefore request it directly from the bot.It is therefore enough to write or pronounce a phrase of the "speaking operator" type and continue until Tobi will put you in direct contact with an expert to get assistance.In order to interact with a real person, it will therefore be necessary to arm yourself with patience and wait a few more minutes.

To request support from Vodafone, the fastest way is to call customer service at 190.The service is free by calling its Vodafone number and is active every day from 8:00 to 22:00.From 22:00 to 8:00 is active only for the block of the SIM or in the event of theft or loss.As already said, initially Tobi will answer you but if you need further help, just ask him to get in touch with an operator.The virtual assistant will ask you for the phone number on which to contact you and will support your request in the shortest possible time.

For those calling another network operator from the number of another network, the contact for assistance is 800 100 195.Those who call from abroad must instead contact the number +39 349 2000190.In both cases the service is free active from 8:00 to 22:00.

Annunci Google

It is possible to chat with Tobi and then request contact with a human operator also from the My Vodafone app within the assistance section or on the operator's website by clicking on the appropriate icon.In the same way you can interact with the virtual assistant, at least initially, also via Whastapp at 3499190190.The service is active 24 hours a day and 7 days a week but request a Wi-Fi network navigation or an active data telephone plan.

Other useful numbers are:

As on WhatsApp, it is possible to request Tobi to speak with an operator also through the social channels of Vodafone.On Facebook, just connect to the official provider page and start a private chat or via the Facebook app Messegner.The virtual assistant will immediately ask you why you want assistance.After asking him to talk to an operator, within a few minutes you will receive a call on your phone number.

The procedure is substantially identical also on Twitter or Instagram.Once you start a private chat in the initial phase you will be forced to interact with Tobi.You can then ask the virtual assistant to be able to speak with an operator.

Those who really do not agree to interact with the virtual assistant, not even for a few seconds, can directly receive assistance from an expert in flesh and blood only in two ways.The first is to go to one of the numerous Vodafone Stores or sales points authorized by the operator.Here you can put your requests and get answers to your doubts thanks to the support of the shop staff.

To find the one closest to you you can use the link Find Shop found in the Vodafone Italia section in the lower part of the home of the provider website.Just enter the address to view all the Vodafone Stores, authorized retailers and service centers with lots of address, timetable and shorter course to reach them.In the Vodafone Store Smartphone Easy it is possible to book personalized advice with an expert with advice on how to correctly configure the smartphone, courses on the management of apps and emails, how to correct social networks and chats correctly as well as information on how to protect their owndevices.

Otherwise, you can contact Vodafone by post.This mode is preferable when an exchange of documents with the operator is required but it must be considered that the response times are decidedly longer than other types of contact.Mobile customers can then send a registered letter with return receipt to the post office 190 - Ivrea (TO).

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